Chapter 38: News Broadcast

After walking around the city and using our abilities, we found a portal through which we could choose the destination.

“It’s just like the Space Needle. Maybe there’s one of these in every level.” I said as we walked up to the doorway. This time there were just the four of us. Everyone else in the group had spread out and gone on their own ways.

“That would be super helpful. But before anything else happens to players, let’s go home and see what we could do.” Matt said as I nodded and selected San Francisco. We each walked through and made it home.

Once I stepped through, I let out the breath I had been holding in. The ocean had normal ripples, the carnival was active and Tony was back in his usual place. He must have returned as we were visiting Washington, D.C.

“I’m so glad it’s back to normal.” I said as we began walking into town.

“Me too, I thought it was over last time.” Grayson said.