Chapter 11: Helemoira

Over the next couple of weeks, I went about my duties as normal. I refused to venture back into Adhmad Dé, though–too terrified of what I might find.

Amelina and Pelleas had kept their word thus far. No one came for me or gave me odd looks as I passed them in the streets. It was almost a normal day aside from the hollow feeling within my breast.

As the day neared its end, I had one more item on my to-do list before I could return to the temple for evening prayer.

I checked the address on the piece of paper in my pocket once more and knocked on the large entryway before me. The house was more of a manor–built of reclaimed stone and carpeted in vegetation, like most other homes in Upper Claíomh, the District of Steel.

"Who is it," a voice called from within as they approached.

Pelleas swung open the door and his eyes went wide with shock. I couldn't help my smile as his face slowly split in half with a grin that could put the moon to shame.