Chapter 10: Geien

Madness had surely stolen my senses, for there was no reason I should be contemplating a third visit to the Material Plane after bearing witness to what my second trip had cost Helemoira. Watching her use the last of her magic to reclaim the poor perished creatures that I had brought death upon was its own special kind of torment.

I may be the God of Death, but I was not the God of Murder, and that’s what this felt like.

Had I known that my leaving the Night Realm would weaken her magic, I never would have left. Hopefully it would return now that I had retreated to my celestial throne.

I charged around my chambers, breaking everything I could get my hands on. I was wrath incarnate.

The pounding started once again on my iron door and I had not the energy to fight them this time. If anything, I welcomed the distraction that they would bring. Anything to keep my mind off of Helemoira and what I had brought upon her.

How could I have been so selfish?