Chapter 22: Helemoira

I ran as if my life depended on it, the storm raging above like something from my nightmares. Once I was out of sight of Geien, I didn't look back. I was too afraid of what I might see.

My bare feet pounded into the dirt beneath me as I sprinted towards the temple. It would be at least two days before I reached it, even moving as fast as I was. I knew I would have to stop and rest soon, my lungs already stinging, but I didn't dare stop now.

The sounds of metal clanging came from behind me and I shut my eyes against the onslaught of tears. My pace slowed as I fought the urge to turn back around and go to Geien.

It was a silly thought. Yet, it was one that plagued me. There was nothing I could do against two Gods, I would only get in the way. At least, that's what I told myself as I sobbed and dodged each root and wayward branch.

More sounds of metal meeting metal, then a mighty yell followed by a booming thunder that sounded like an avalanche.