Chapter 54: Helemoira

I walked away from the tent, leaving Geien and Pelleas with Rhados and Dayemorn to discuss strategy. I knew that I should stay and be a part of the discussions, but I needed to stretch my legs. The knowledge that war was just around the corner had me anxious beyond belief and I was going crazy just sitting there trying to seem 'god-like' for everyone's sake.

Soldiers trotted about in groups in various states of armoring themselves, heading off in every direction. Nearly every soldier that I saw had their wings out and ready. I watched curiously as I noticed a small group of females strap blades to the tips of their wings.

I approached them, head held high. "What are you doing?"

One of the females grinned up at me. "It was Haldir's idea; while in the air we can dive bomb the enemy and use the blades on our wings along with our swords. It's brilliant, don't you think?"