Chapter 6: Begging You


As the four men filed out of the room, I begged to be freed. A smirk fell onto Julian’s lips, as he finished his drink in front of me. His full lips drew my attention, as I locked my gaze on them before staring into his gorgeous blue eyes. Everything in me was screaming, ‘take me I’m yours’.

“You could have just asked me to come. I don’t know who shot the guy. I merely asked if it was a normal occurrence.” I mumbled through his silk gag and continued to put on a show for the men until they left.

Once the door shut, a devious expression fell on my face, and I lowered my lashes.

“Did you bring me your list?” He kept his tone low and his expression even more stern.

“I did, in my right pocket,” I mumbled, swallowed hard, and searched his gaze.

“Present it to me, please.” His tone was rich and smooth like a dark honey, dripping in rubies and whispering alluring promises to me.