Chapter 9: Boy Toys


The sounds of men around me laughing and drinking, clearly it was their favorite pastime besides causing chaos, were distracting. I was busily flipping my thumb up the screen of my phone, looking over my emails.

My heartbeat sped up and my breathing along with it as I stared at an email from my college. Please let them let me continue remotely, please let them—

The ‘we’re sorry to inform you’ stood out and made my vision blur slightly, as I became unfocused. I swallowed hard and tried to process the words that stated that I would have to continue to come into class in order to complete my semester.

I closed my email and put my phone to sleep, peering around me at all of the men and wondering if there was one I could sweet talk into sneaking me into my college courses. One of them had to have a massive enough heart to go against Julian’s orders and take me.