Chapter 10: Shh... Quiet


The bed was moving, no wait, the ground was, or maybe it was something else. My stomach churned and my head pounded with each movement. Where was I? Was I still on the plane? A groan left my lips as I was hoisted again and slammed against something hard.

My fingers gripped something soft and silky, realizing it was a shirt. The scent of dark scented cologne and cigar smoke invaded my senses, and I realized who had me. Julian.

I blinked my eyes and whined, trying to adjust my vision to my surroundings. The feel of the elevator moving and making my equilibrium shift was enough to make me want to throw up, but I held it back.

“You realize how careless you were? How dangerous that was?” His voice was condescending, as if he were scolding a child and not a grown a*s woman.