Chapter 11: You Owe Me


“Ask first and threaten later. If he doesn’t pay up, then by all means, start knocking some kneecaps.” Julian jammed his finger towards his men from the backseat. “I’d rather have less blood on our hands than usual.”

“You got it, Boss.” One of his men gripped a baseball bat in his hands.

“Text me when you find him and don’t leave me out of updates on the situation.” Julian pulled his phone from his pocket and unlocked it. “Go!”

The men stepped out of the SUV, and I was left in the devil’s playground with the devil himself. He was sitting in a black button-down shirt and a pair of black slacks, fiddling with his phone.

A massive portion of me wondered why he wasn’t out there doing the dirty work with his men. If he wanted it run right, why wasn’t he out there making sure it happened exactly how he had intended for it to.