Chapter 15: Talk to Me


I walked down the hallway to Julian’s bedroom, nervous and annoyed at the same time. Although, underneath it all I was brokenhearted. I wanted to be the person that he spilled his jars to. I wanted to be the one that he could confide all of his ghosts to, but Maureen was right, it wasn’t up to me or even her. It was up to him, and if he didn’t want to share his burdens... he wouldn’t.

I didn’t know whether to trust him or not, not with the way he’d been hot and cold with me. My life had been one moment after another since the night I had met him. I just wanted a moment to breathe! A moment to catch my breath and relax, but this life only offered fast paced chaos.

His door was shut and matched all the rest in the house, white and plain. There was nothing special about it, but what lurked behind it made my heart quicken and my throat tighten. What would his room look like? A room full of torture was all I could picture, as I raised my hand to knock.