Chapter 20: Orange Roses


The club was packed more than usual, but every move I made I could feel Julian’s gaze on me. I’d steal glances over at his table, watching him raise his glass to take a sip while flicking his thumb along the screen of his phone.

Each flick of his thumb caused the toy to vibrate between my thighs, making me have to pause to catch my breath. A sharp inhale made me stop try to balance the drinks on my tray. If I broke glasses or spilled drinks, it was on him. I wouldn’t take responsibility for me being a hot mess. I laughed at the double meaning of my thoughts.

“Lily!” A familiar voice called me over to a table. There he was, Aiden, the high baller from before.

I cleared my throat, serving the drinks on my tray along the way, and peered down at the man in the fancy suit. Suddenly, a strong vibration shot between my thighs, and I gasped and smacked my tray down onto the table. I crossed one ankle over the other.