Chapter 51

She squared her shoulders. Cowardice was not an option. "I am not a droid. I am a cyborg and my name is Fiona, human."

He chuckled and suddenly, she couldn't help flashing back to the moment when he'd led the attack. Leering over her. Laughing as he held her down. Remembering might have frightened or weakened a lesser female, but I am not an ordinary person. The distasteful memories made her angry. Stronger. More determined. Made her almost gleeful, because despite Solus's wishes, it seemed she would have a chance at her vengeance. She just needed to get close enough.

As if sensing her train of thought, the captain waved his pistol. "Don't even think of firing that weapon of yours. It will go badly if you do. So unbuckle your belt with the holstered gun and drop it to the ground."

"And if I refuse?"

All the weapons steadied, aimed at her head. "We'll blow your cyborg brains out despite what the general wants."