Chapter 185

"Idiot," Z' exclaimed. "You do not understand. The nanotech is not a toy to be played with."

"We understand that you are the cause for a lot of shit, mister. Because of you, all of us have been changed. We lost our birth families. Our homes. Our right to a peaceful existence. We are fugitives because of what you did to Lilith and the others." Deidre, who'd not said much until now, let forth a tirade.

Planting her hands on her hips, Anastasia also had a few choice words for him. "And I'll thank you to not call my husband an idiot. You don't know him well enough to be able to express just how dumb he is. Now if you'll excuse me, I'd better go grab him."

Avion snickered at the look on Z's face as she dove elegantly in.

"You are all barbarians."

"No, we're cyborgs, and don't you forget it, asshole."

"You don't know what you've done. The trouble your very presence causes."