Chapter 186

Events moved fast, even for someone with nano enhancements like her. One moment Lilith feared for Avion's life, and the next they were running for their lives, heading toward the giant space vessel that would hopefully carry them out of the impending danger zone.

Or at least carry most of them, because not everyone in their group was coming.

Master Z' would not budge.

As unbending as ever, he stood at the bottom of the gangplank, arms folded over his chest, his mien fearsome and, if she were five again, probably intimidating. As a grown woman, she saw it for what it was. A mask. A stoic mask to hide the emotions he kept buried.

"Why won't you come with us?"

"My place is here."

"Here? Here is about to get obliterated."

He didn't deny it.

"You're choosing to die."

He shrugged, his expression still a nonchalant mask. "Perhaps I am. Perhaps I am weary of running and hiding."