Xu Jiangxi Is Unfilial

Qiao Yanhui's eyes lit up when he heard that he was her fiancé. He now understood what a fiancé meant.

Bai Zhuo was also extremely grateful to Xu Qing. He thought that Xu Qing would give him a surprise when the house was built and that it would be a sum of money. He didn't expect her to give him a home!

He had been wandering for many years and didn't have a fixed home. He had always wanted a home! He didn't expect Xu Qing to be so perceptive despite her young age.

"Brother Xu, I'm a little older than you. If you don't mind, I'll call you brother." Bai Zhuo waved his hand and said generously.

Xu Jiangxi was shocked by the favor and hurriedly said, "It's already good enough that you don't despise me!"

"Brother Xu, Sister-in-law!" Bai Zhuo couldn't be bothered to make small talk and greeted them again.

Qu Feng hurriedly replied, "Brother Bai."