A Disgusting Family

Xu Qing said and glanced at Mo Qiu, who was silent.

Mo Qiu was threatened by Xu Qing last time and was afraid of her, but this didn't mean that she wouldn't take advantage of her.

"What? A box of eggs and two catties of pork!" Chen Qiulian immediately screamed, causing the originally lively crowd to fall silent. Everyone looked at Chen Qiulian in a daze.

Xu Jiangzhong's face flushed and he felt embarrassed. He knew that they had taken advantage of Xu Qing and her family every time, but he actually couldn't help but come again.

Last night, Chen Qiulian had indeed received eggs and meat, but there was only half a box of eggs and a catty of pork. Xu Jiangzhong was originally resentful of Xu Jiangxi's stinginess, but now, seeing that Xu Qing didn't seem to be lying, and looking at Mo Qiu, who seemed shifty, she guessed that Mo Qiu had taken it for herself.

Chen Qiulian looked at Mo Qiu fiercely. "Did you take half of it?"