Moving into the Qiao Family's Home

Qiao Yanhui felt heartache and hatred. His heart ached for Xu Qing's sacrifices, and he hated himself for not being by her side.

He asked Deng Jiangming and Hua Yuncheng to leave, then called out in a low voice, "Qiao Jun, come out. Find out who Xu Qing's three children's father is."

Qiao Jun was Qiao Yanhui's secret guard. When he heard this, he froze and looked troubled.

"Is there a problem?" Qiao Yanhui snorted coldly.

"Master, you asked me to investigate this two years ago," Qiao Jun replied truthfully.

Qiao Yanhui was stunned, but gestured for Qiao Jun to continue.

"Madam's three children are indeed yours. Back then, you were set up… and you met Madam, who was also drugged, in Anning Village. Then… cough cough…" Qiao Jun was a little embarrassed. He could only say that all of this was fate! These two people were destined to be with each other.