Cannot Coexist

Xu Qing glared at Qiao Yanhui. How dare he laugh at her? Who would expect that a group of people would suddenly greet them in unison?

The entire Qiao family was shocked. Their general, who had never smiled before, actually knew how to smile after all? Moreover, what was with this comical scene? He was carrying a child in his left arm, another child in his right, and a child was riding on his neck. How could their cold-blooded and heartless War God appear so comical?

An old man in his sixties with white hair and a linen robe rushed to Xu Qing and said excitedly, "How wonderful. Little Hui actually knows how to smile now…"

Xu Qing was speechless. What was wrong with Qiao Yanhui smiling? It wasn't like he had never smiled before. In the past, he smiled like a fool in front of her every day. What was wrong with them? Was there a need to be so shocked by just a smile?