Crisp Slap

Qiao Yanqi and the two consorts were furious. They had done everything in vain! They had even offended someone they couldn't afford to!

Qiao Yanqi's eyes widened as she said in disbelief, "Impossible! This woman is clearly…"

"Who is it? Is it me?" Xu Qing's mocking voice came from behind the crowd. Everyone retreated to the side in fear and subconsciously distanced themselves from her. This also allowed Xu Qing to walk in smoothly.

Xu Qing was still wearing the clothes she had come in. She wasn't wet at all, and even her hair wasn't messy. She looked noble and elegant.

Looking at Xu Qing's smile, Qiao Yanqi understood now. They had all fallen into this woman's trap! This woman fooled them on purpose! How vicious. How could Brother Hui like such a vicious person?