Meeting of Love Rivals

Xun Fen and Teng Nian responded and immediately went over to grab them. Then, they used their internal energy to control their palms and slapped their faces one after another without holding back at all. The sound was very crisp and loud!

This scene stunned everyone. They looked at Xu Qing with fear. This woman was so bold and ruthless! That slap was so heavy.

One of these three was Qiao Yanhui's biological sister, and the other two were imperial consorts! To slap them in front of so many people was simply too arrogant!

Immediately, everyone felt extremely traumatized. This trauma would accompany them to the future. No one would dare to provoke Xu Qing in the future!

However, Xu Qing didn't expect these three women to be so fragile. They fainted after only ten slaps. Of course, Xu Qing didn't care if they really fainted or not, nor would she stop hitting them just because they fainted.