If You Want to Fight, Fight!

Lin Shu's face turned pale with anger. "You're simply fooling around! That's someone who can snatch your throne at any time. How dare you hand over something that belongs to the emperor to him? Get it back and I'll manage it for you!"

Ao Jie was unmoved. "You've always told me that Qiao Yanhui will snatch the throne, but when did he ever snatch it? What did he do?"

Lin Shu mocked, "You're too naive. Do you really think he's sincerely doing it for your sake? He wants you to be grateful to him and personally give him the throne, so he can become the emperor smoothly. Otherwise, he won't be able to hold the position rightfully!"

Ao Jie didn't say anything else. In the end, he said calmly, "I'm tired, so I want to rest. Mother, please go back. As for that team, it already belongs to him, so don't even think about it."

Lin Shu glared at Ao Jie fiercely before leaving. Since her puppet was so disobedient, she had to teach him a lesson.