My Most Trusted Brother

Ao Jie's voice became bone-chilling as he questioned, "Could it be that you already have the intention to betray the royal family?"

The captain of the secret guards was extremely terrified and knocked his forehead on the cold ground heavily. "I wouldn't dare to." He didn't feel any contempt for Ao Jie at all now, only fear. He had underestimated Ao Jie at the beginning, but it turned out that Ao Jie was different from Ao Heng. Ao Jie had hid his strength, or perhaps, it wasn't that he hid his strength, but Ao Jie's brilliance had always been overshadowed by Qiao Yanhui.

"You don't dare to? Then who disobeyed the royal family's instructions and tried to assassinate my brother?" Ao Jie narrowed his eyes.