Chapter 1 Registration Begins, Load the Wilderness Survival System

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Someone is knocking on the door.

Well, it was more of a thump than a knock.

"Shen Ping, I know you are at home. I just saw you come back, and you can't pretend to be dead! Your rent is due in four days. When on earth do you pay the rent? Don't you dare to fall behind it again!"

A middle-aged woman, with red curly hair, was shouting at the door.

Shen Ping had just gone back from the outside, seeking a job. It was the hottest time of the year.

The heat melted him on the sofa and Shen did not want to make any moves.

However, Shen Ping frowned at the shouting. Reluctantly, he fumbled to the door, quelled his unrest feelings, and slowly opened the door.

Shen Ping put on a smile and said to the woman, "Aunt Wang, I'm really sorry. I'll pay for it in a few days. I'm a little short of money recently."

"You say that shit every time and delay the rent every goddamn time! I have given you chances!"

"Other tenants will contact me a week before the rent is due. Only you, make this delay it every time.

Aunt Wang roared, "I don't care what excuses you got. You must pay the rent within five days, or, pack up and leave!"

"I was so stupid to let him live here! No relatives, no friends...screw it, I should have spared my mercy somewhere else! What has he done to me? No payments for rents!"

Aunt Wang flung her hand away and left, muttering on and on bluntly.

Shen Ping couldn't help clenching his fists more tightly. He lowered his head and his eyes were full of sadness and unwillingness.

If he was rich, who would bear to be humiliated by the landlord every day?

He wanted to make a change, but he had no choice.

He closed the door and sat on the sofa, desperately. All of a sudden, a commercial on the TV attracted him.

"The third season of Survival Island will officially start on September 1st, and the registration will start on August 10th. Generous rewards will be given to participants..."

On the TV, the host declared the news spiritually. Her tone was passionate and encouraging.

The host was a beautiful woman with blonde hair and blue eyes. She wore bright makeup and a red dress, looking enchanting and sexy.

Her red lips opened slightly and her words were so inspiring.

It was the most popular program about survival in the wildness, which had always been known for its authenticity and had always been on the heat.

So far, it had been broadcast for two seasons.

Now, the third season was about to be on the show.

The rules of the program were very simple: Anyone who could hold on for a year in the place chosen by the crew of the program would receive an extremely lofty reward.

People who succeeded in enduring for one year could not only earn a bonus of one hundred million dollars, but also the permanent possession of that small island.

Indeed, the island was not small. It's a magic island with mesmerizing scenery and rich resources, which bestowed him or her with forever wealth!

As for the other participants in the show, if they could struggle there for half a year, they could get fifty million dollars, and if they insisted on three months, ten million dollars.

As plain as the rules sounded though, no one had yet made it through the program in the former two seasons.

The one with the best performance in the first two seasons lasted for only two hundred and three days before quitting.

"Please log in to our official website or scan the code below. Welcome to Survival Island!"

Sitting on the old sofa in the room and listening to the inspiring introduction of the host, Shen Ping straightened up gradually, and the flare in his eyes was growing stronger and stronger.

He stared closely at the host on TV. Although it was just an advertisement, scrupulously, Shen Ping did not miss one single word.

Shen Ping was abandoned by his parents before he could remember.

He was left at the gate of the orphanage. Kindly the director took him in, allowing him to grow up in the orphanage.

Although it was difficult for him to live, Shen Ping was quite strenuous. He was always at the top of his peers in school.

More encouragingly, he was admitted to Capital University right after the college entrance examination.

However, he balked and didn't know whether he should go to college or not.

After all,

to go to college, the first thing he had to confront was a large amount of money.

The orphanage no longer provided for him since Shen Ping was already eighteen years old, he had to go out to live on his own.

He was not sure if he could hold on after entering the university.

He was no more than a mere high school student who had just graduated. With no experience, no education background, no one would consider hiring him.

During these days, Shen Ping kept hunting for a job, but no company was willing to hire him.

Now Shen Ping was running out of money. He only had a few hundred dollars left, which were far from paying off the rent, let alone his needs for food.

The program came as a godsend when Shen Ping worried about what to do next.

It was a golden opportunity. If he could win the prize in the program, Shen Ping wouldn't have to worry about the rent.

Shen Ping didn't ask too much. He didn't expect to survive for a year. He was satisfied as long as he could persist for three months since the bonus of three months was enough for him to spend a long time.

Downstairs, aunt Wang was squabbling over his default with other old women, driving Shen Ping even more depressed.

Shen Ping scanned the code below the TV immediately and filled in his information.

Today was the last day of registration. He would have to wait for another year if he missed it.

That's the last thing Shen wanted. He had to get ranked in the program, no matter what.

It's the only chance to get rid of this painful life.

"Submitted successfully." Looking at the message on his phone, Shen Ping's heart was lit up with a few glimmers of hope.

There were many people signing up for this program, but only three hundred people were chosen.

Shen Ping didn't know if he was lucky enough to be chosen, but he had to risk everything, hoping that he could make his life different.

"Ding... A sign-in system is loading... 1%, 3%, 10%... 100%."

"Installed successfully!"

"This is a sign-in system. You will get a lucky draw after seven days of sign-in in succession. The more days you sign in, the higher the probability of drawing out advanced skills and items."

A mechanical sound suddenly came to Shen Ping's mind.

Shen Ping was stunned. He doubted if he had misheard, but the clear voice stroke again.

"A gift pack to the beginner for the first activation!"

Shen Ping was sure that he didn't hear it wrong this time, and he became a little excited.

He had read some novels, and a system like this had always been only in novels.

He didn't expect that he actually got it!

Shen Ping tried to calm himself down and asked.

"What's that?"