Chapter 2 Novice Gift Pack *3

"The gift pack for newbies contains one manual on how to survive in the wilderness, one manual on weapon production (starter version), and one body strengthening liquid (starter version). Would you like to extract them now?"

These were so born for Survival Island, and Shen Ping was even more delighted.

It would be a piece of cake for him to survive the program with all these gifts.


Shen Ping rubbed his hands and responded immediately.

"Extracted successfully. Contents inside: one manual on wildness survival, one manual on weapon production (starter version), one body strengthening liquid (starter version)."

As it finished, Shen felt a sting in his head.

Soon later, he found a warehouse in his head somehow.

And the so-called rewards were also in there.

"How to use them?"

Asked Shen Ping.

"Express what you need to extract with consciousness."


Shen Ping was very excited.

Now he was very confident. He wanted more than surviving for three months, he wanted a championship!

It's just living in the wild for one year. What's the big deal?

With the help of the system, nothing could bug him!

With tremendous morale, Shen Ping was anxiously waiting for the result of the registration.

He even expected that the show would begin right now.

There were only a few days left before the show began. The registration was due tonight, and it would take three days for the registration to be processed.

After that, the crew of the program will announce the list of participants.

The participants had three days to prepare, and they had to arrive at the venue of the crew of the program no later than the third day.

The reward offered by the program was very generous, attracting countless people.

The number of applicants this time mounted to forty million. Shen Ping was expecting yet dreading, wondering if he could be one of the lucky members.

Time flies. Three days had passed in a twink, and the review had finished smoothly.

The crew of the Survival Island announced the list of participants on the Internet, and Shen Ping's name was among them.

"I'm chosen!"

After confirming that he was selected by the Survival Island, Shen Ping sent a message to the landlady's aunt Wang without hesitation, telling her that he wanted to check out.


Aunt Wang agreed readily and returned the one thousand and five hundred dollars deposit that Shen Ping had paid to her.

With the money, he got better off. He had more than 2000 dollars now.

The list of participants of Survival Island was released in the evening. Shen Ping stayed here for the last night and left on the morning of the second day.

The program will arrange accommodation for all the participants. Shen Ping planned to stay there for three days and then went straight to the challenge.

The program worked flexibly, which only required that the participants could not be late, or else they would be considered to give up the challenge by default.

And it was totally faultless if they wanted to arrive there earlier.

Shen Ping settled down in the place provided by the program. The room was clean, bright, and well equipped, looking so much better than the one that he had rented before.

All of the members had gathered the day before the competition started. Max, the director, gathered everyone in the hall and held a meeting.

Selected randomly from a variety of countries, the program took in participants from multiple nations.

Shen glanced around and found that among the three hundred people present, only about thirty of them were Asian.

"I think you're all clear about the rules of the show. So let's cut to the chase."

Max picked up the microphone and explained, "You will take part in the third season of Survival Island tomorrow. Each of you can take only two sets of clothes and two pairs of shoes."

"The room nearby has all the tools you might need. Each of you can choose one. Do make a careful choice. The right tool will give you powerful support in the wilderness."

As Max just finished his words, someone rushed into the room straightly, fearing falling behind.

Then, the others also rushed inside, and the scene was immediately chaotic. In a second, one after one rushed inside, giving birth to instant chaos.

This chaos was nothing new to Max. He stepped aside, smiling gently, making enough space for them.

However, Shen stood at their back, looking aloof to the battle. He didn't rush in to fight but waited until they were about to finish.

Max couldn't help noticing him because of his calmness.

"Sir, aren't you going in to choose a tool?" Max lifted his eyebrows and asked.

Although there seemed to be a lot of tools in the room, only a small part of them was useful. If he went late, they would be taken away by others.

"No hurry." Shen Ping shook his head indifferently.

He indeed had nothing to worry about. Everyone inside was now fighting for the flint and all kinds of advantageous weapons, but Shen Ping did not target that.

The door of the room where the tools were stored was open. Shen Ping saw diverse weapons, and also a pile of pots in the corner.

Shen Ping had no interest in other things. He just wanted the pot.

After all, for Shen Ping, he had learned to make fire from wood and make weapons through the manual on wildness.

For him, flint or sharp weapon was meaningless.

Instead, pot attracted Shen more.

Soon, many people came out with the tools they had chosen.

Some people were filled with euphoria for getting themselves their favorite tools.

Those who lagged behind had to compromise with others less attractive, wearing sorrowful faces as they came out.

Seeing that the room was much empty, Shen Ping walked in casually.

Almost no one ever cared about the pot in the corner, but a young girl with amber eyes and light golden hair was still there selecting.

Seeing Shen Ping come over, the girl smiled at him, and so did Shen.

Shen Ping picked up a shiny iron pot. It was a good pot both in weight and material.

Almost at the same time as Shen finished, the girl also picked a pan.

"My name is Lilith. I'm from Russia. What about you?"

The girl came forward and greeted him in awkward English.

"My name is Shen Ping and I'm from Hua State. I didn't expect you to know English."

Shen Ping said in surprise.

"I used to live in Hua State for a period of time. I like it very much."

Lilith said and walked out with Shen Ping.

As they came out, they got all the attention. Many people jeered at the pot in their hands, ruthlessly.

The most popular and sought-after tools here were flint, axes, and choppers.

Only three out of the three hundred took the pot.

Apart from Shen and Lilith, there was a bright boy with blonde hair and blue eyes who also took a pot.

The pot Shen Ping had was a traditional pot, and the one with Lilith's hand was a pan. As for the big boy with blonde hair and blue eyes, he was holding a stewpan.

Looking at each other, the three smiled each other. The enthusiastic big boy came over and said, "I'm Frank from German."