Chapter 2: The Scuffle

While I'm walking, I look down at my yellow identity card. It contains all the information about me, starting with my name. I read it, and maybe even whisper it.

"Shoto Lyfeld," I whisper, then continue reading. Lyfeld; Shoto; Gender: Male; Age: 10; District: Ignobilis

The word "Ignobilis" always catches my eye, and I don't know why but it makes me smile for some reason. I have always had trouble pronouncing it. I remember when I asked my parents its meaning. They said that when things went south, people got put into districts based on their income and the quality of their lives.

The "Pauper" district is the lowest. People have almost no rights there, and they mostly live in small, crowded flats. There are more guards there than in any other district.

The "Dives," on the other hand, are at the top. They have all the rights, and the guards are there to protect them from whatever might come into their villas, unlike the lowest districts.

And lastly, the "Ignobilis." It's the largest district, and stands somewhat between the other two districts. It's crowded with families who have had an average income and quality of life. Now they live in flats and houses with small gardens, including myself.

The three districts are only separated by huge walls surrounding each other. The only way to cross them is by the gates leading from one district to another. As expected, they're heavily guarded. As I slowly approach the gate, a familiar guard walks closer to me.

"Your IDC," he says, holding up a small machine that reminds me of the handheld scanners they used in the airports until all travelling options outside the district were shut down. He keeps looking at me in his lightweight armour with no helmet. The other guard with heavyweight armour from the gate keeps looking at me, or at least I think he does; I can't see through his helmet with black eyeshades.

"Hmph, You've been here for a while, still don't know me?"

He frowns and grips my arm firmly, then scans my card. His machine beeps three times, and he nods. "Just imagine what would happen if I had to remember all the scum around here." He grins and continues, "So I take it the Lyfeld family is the sassy and disobeying type, right? Maybe I'll let the commander know, so you can be taught some manners. With the Paupers, maybe. You can go now, Shoto." He laughs and gives you a firm push on your back with his scanner.

"Ow, talk about child abuse" I murmur to myself and take a left turn as I arrive at the gate and head towards the school.

As I walk down the pavement, I pass some houses with two guards out front, similar to mine. Walking past the neighbour's light-green house, and the guards don't even look at me. The houses look very similar to one another, and the sun is still not up. It's not pitch black, but I could use some light right about now.

As I walk deeper into the city, where the flats, apartments, stores, workplaces, and taller buildings are. Taking a look at the old shops makes me frown. The vendors have become very pushy, and everyone seems to work harder than ever.

Even the once always-smiling office workers run in and out of the building, their smiles now absent. They are run by government officers and overseers watching their every step; maybe that's the reason. I checked left and right when I cross the road to my school. Some cars and bikes pass by, nothing unusual. Then a couple of army trucks speed past me, packed with what seem to be soldiers.

As I arrive at the school, I sigh at the sight of the barbed fence surrounding it. The extreme amount of guards patrolling around it are upsetting too. As I was approaching the entrance I saw familiar faces smile at me from the school hallway. Bradley, my oldest friend, and my new friend who I met last week, Abbie.

I smile back and as I was about to make my way inside when a hand on my shoulder from behind stops me at the entrance.

"You've been selected for a random search. Step aside and put your hands on the wall," a firm voice says and gives me a slight push.

"What do you think I'm hiding?! A gun?!?!" I exclaim.

The guard pushes me firmly against the wall. "You could be, for all I know. Scum." He searches me thoroughly, then yanks my backpack open. "All right, you're clear." He grips my shoulder and scans my card before I had even a chance to enter the school. "I'd consider what to say the next time. Lyfeld."

I nod and shake his grip off, then walk into the school and towards my friends.

Inside, Bradley greets me with a friendly hug and mentions that he's still taller than you, making us both smile. Abbie stands there shyly messing with her long blonde hair, as usual. "My dad said it's better if you just do what they say. You know Aaron? He always gave the guards a hard time, and now he's gone! Creepy stuff," Bradley says.

Abbie nods. "Yup. Scary."

I nod as I head up the stairs to the first lesson.