Chapter 3: First lesson

As I walk up the creaking stairs, I take a look at the walls and the floors above me. It's a wonder how this school is still in one piece. I walk into the classroom and sit down next to Abbie.

I sit down next to Abbie and pay attention every now and then, but chatter away whenever the teacher isn't looking at me. From the corner of my eye, I see Bradley glancing at me once in a while.

How would I manage to sit through all the boring lessons if I were alone?

The dull sound of the bell indicates that the lesson has reached its end.

"Finally. Hey, wanna sit next to me and suffer together through the remaining lessons? It would be fun." She chuckles. I nod and pack my book into backpack. After swiftly putting it on my back, I head out of the classroom.

I sit through lesson after lesson with Abbie. They go better than expected, somewhat resulting in a good time with her.

Before I know it, another day of school is over. The quiet halls fill with laughter and chatter as I walk down the stairs and out the front doors.

"So…same time tomorrow?" Abbie asks with her arms crossed.

"Yup. See you guys tomorrow! Or at least you, Shoto. Abbie lives relatively close to me," Bradley chuckles.

"Shame you don't live closer to us, we could walk home together." Abbie smiles as you part ways.

Walking home on the busy streets wasn't that bad as I expected. Officers run around, along with businessmen. They shout at one another, seemingly filling the district with life. Then the sun barely lights the streets through the pollution anymore. I'm about to cross the road on the well-worn crosswalk when a slim man almost knocks me off my feet as he runs past. "It's here! You can't stop them now! Don't believe them! Hide, get your own shelter before it's too late!" he shouts as he holds a small, rusty, and bloody knife.

Three officers with lightweight armour and small handguns run past me, then aim their guns at him. The man drops the knife and puts his hands up. The officers keep aiming their guns at him, then they press on their earpieces and seem to listen to them. After a while they nod once, and without a word, they start firing. The man stumbles back with bullet holes in his clothes and blood pouring out of his wounds. The sight makes me feel Angry.

The man was obviously no threat, and they still shot him. I clench my fists and frown as I take a step closer to the dead body lying in a pool of blood.

Two of them walk over to the body and talk as they press on their earpieces. One of them walks towards you and gives me a firm push. "Get going, nothing to see here. Unless you want trouble, scum."

That makes me more over the limit and I couldn't hold out any longer "He wasn't a threat, and you shot him!" I shout at them.

"Hmpfh. I'd let us decide who's considered a threat and who isn't, if I were you, I would be begging and apologizing, if not you can find yourself with the Paupers soon." She grips my arm and scans my card. "Ah, Shoto Lyfeld. And you don't even live that far. How about I escort you home, huh? I'll have a talk with your parents before I consult with the commander about your fate. I'll give him some very good advice." She laughs and grips my shoulder tight, then pushes me forward down the street. The neighbours stare at me as I get pushed down the street by my shoulder. Her grip begins to feel uncomfortable just as I get to the fence of my home.

One of the guards greets me at the fence and chuckles slightly. I walk down the path to my house and find the other guard currently talking with my parents in the doorway. They shake their heads as they give me a disappointed look.

"And…and there he is. See? He must have done something again. I'm telling you, he cannot behave, simply can't. And I feel sorry for you folks. I have to report it to the commander, and with the current state…well…you know, there are quite a few vacant slots at the Paupers." The guard says while he winks and grins at me.

"He also likes to interfere with official business and pass judgement on us. There's quite a few problems with you, eh, Shoto? I'll have to report all this to the commander and have him decide your fate." She lets my shoulder go, and I give it a rub in relief.

They walk off with a laugh and give my back some rough pats as they do so. I walk inside and turn around to face my parents. As I get in the first thing I get is a slap from my father.

"Why is it so hard to behave? Am I asking a lot? You simply have to cooperate! Do you want to end up in the Pauper district? We'll die there!" My father slams the door and rushes off to his room.

My mother turns to me and gives my head a slight rub. "Please, Shoto…just behave, okay? I know the officers are capable of exaggerating, I know them well. But these times are rough…try to behave. It's not easy for us, so don't make things harder, okay? Will you behave?"

"B-but mom t-they just shot someone who surrendered to their crimes, he already gave up so why..."

"I know my dear, but that is how the world is, not everything is fair so just for me, for me try to behave, please.

"...All right." I say

"Thank you, Shoto. Your lunch is on the table. I'll go and calm your father down in the meantime." She smiles and gives my head another slight rub as I walk to the kitchen and sit down before the hot, steaming food. Despite how hot it is, I finished rather fast. The warm, fresh food feels refreshingly good as I walk up the stairs to my room.