Chapter 5: The Outbreak

"I can't believe they're gone…" Abbie wipes her eyes on the small green bed in my chamber.

"Don't say that…maybe they found a safe place or something!" Bradley snaps at her across the small room, then turns to me. "What do you think?"

"I think they're alive." I say

I'm sitting on the bed, in between their beds, and I lean back. Bradley crosses his arms, and Abbie releases a big sigh.

A loud banging noise startles the whole bunker. My friends jump on their beds, and I rush to the door. When I open it, I find Philip banging on a pan in the living room. The others come out of their chambers, and confused chattering fills the room as I follow them.

"So, since I'm the oldest and obviously the most capable of organizing things here, I'll happily elect myself as the leader. This is our only and best chance for survival, until we come up with something to get out of here." He throws the pan away.

"You're only 16. What makes you better than us?" Bradley shrugs and crosses his arms. Philip steps closer and gives him a firm push on the chest.

"What doesn't? I think I've found the best person for toilet cleaning duty." He laughs and looks around. "I'll assign everyone to do something. We'll get this community working. We'll survive, I'll make sure of that. Enjoy your day off, it's the last one. That's all." He crosses his arms and keeps smiling as all of the students walk into their chambers, along with me.

"Screw him…" Bradley jumps onto his bed and frowns.

"You shouldn't have spoken up." Abbie leans against the wall and glances over at you.

"Whatever…he won't be able to organize anything. He's still a bully, nothing more. I just hope we can get out soon, or I have a feeling that rough times await us…" He glances at the closed door. A worried, uncertain feeling about the future fills the room.

Two Years Later…