Chapter 6: A Community.

"Well, happy birthday," I murmur to myself as I tap on the small pixel candle on my Identification Card and watch as it blows out. The lights flicker on the card. The battery in it has to be replaced every year, so it's a wonder how it could still be working.

I look at the information section and smile as the number 11 at the age section fades away and switches to 12. Stuffing it into my backpack and while thinking about the past two years down here, without any information about the outside world. I have always been trying to get out, but without the password to the door, it seems to be impossible. Peter somehow came up with a calculation which got everyone's hopes up. Until the variation of the password came to 387420489.

Leaving the room I share with Bradley and Abbie, then taking a look at the 'assignment' chart. Cleaning duty in the living room, again. My frown turns to a slight smile when I see Bradley's toilet cleaning and Abbie's ration handout duty. The latter has been harder, since the stock is running low on food. Ever since Philip elected himself as the leader, he's taken his duties very seriously. He's still a bully, but no one can question his ability as a leader, since the community goes more or less smoothly. With that thought, I make my way towards the living room.

"Finally. Get to work!" Philip walks by proudly. "This room isn't going to clean itself, you know."

"Why don't you do it yourself, then?" I say, little bit annoyed by his attitude.

"Because I can do nothing while you do the work. Obviously. Now get to it, before I get mad." He shrugs and grins.

He walks past quickly, murmuring something. I pick up the broom and mop, then start cleaning the living room

As hours past I get more tired by the job, mentally and physically. "This is probably the most boring job ever!" I think as i feel like passing out from boredom, when Philip walks around and rings a hand bell. As much as I hate him doing that, I know it means it's finally lunchtime. I drop the broom and mop to head down the corridor. Passing the living quarters and head towards the kitchen. And stand in line.

"I swear, if I have to work there one more day, I'll kill him!" I look to see where the remark came from, only to see Bradley frowning with bright red cheeks.

"At least it's entertaining," I chuckle. "Try cleaning the living room for hours."

We keep chattering until it's my turn. Abbie hands me a plate with smaller rations than yesterday, and I give her a disappointed look unintentionally. "Sorry, Shoto, we're low on stock. You know that."

I nod and force a smile, then head to the table and sit down. Seconds later, Bradley accompanies me. "I don't know how long I can take this horrible thing they call food. I'm actually glad we're low on stock," he says, poking his food with his fingers.

"You realize we'll die if we run out, right?" I say as I close my eyes and swallow a mouthful of green pottage. Bradley shrugs and does the same. "We can always eat each other. I'd start with Philip." He smiles. "I hope Peter will find out the password real s-"

A loud explosion interrupts him, and the whole bunker shakes for a minute. "It came from upstairs!" Bradley says and jumps up running towards the living room with the others. The alarms go off, and the whole bunker flashes in red. Memories strike me unexpectedly, but I shake it off and get up from the seat and follow the others to the living room, only to face a big surprise.

Two armed people with gas masks step out of the smoke and walk down the stairs.

"Look what we have here. A kindergarten party! Looks like they've got themselves a working community. How cute is that?" says a tall man as he waves his rifle around.

"They would be good for labour," a shorter man says, scratching his head with his revolver.

"All right," he nods. "Round up the tough ones, and the ones with working gas masks. And kill the rest," he says as he walks into the living quarters.