Rebirth as Omen

"Hmm. That isn't good."

A handsome blond man with golden wings sat cross-legged at a round table that was shaded by a tree of golden leaves that was so beautiful and large that it would put tears in the eyes of a maestro of landscape art. With a complex expression on his face, he looked up at a rainbowed colored sky with 3 moons and an uncountable amount of star clusters and galaxies visible in intrigue. He had on an all-black cashmere suit-jacket with pants and expensive shoes to match. Underneath the jacket, he had on a white straight collar button-up with a handkerchief to match.

"What is it?" A woman with pale skin that was white as snow was filled with quarry. She wore black leather jeans, a studded belt, with a black tank top. Her right eye had a strange hook-like black birthmark that matched her plump black lips in terms of shade and saturation. Meanwhile, her pupils were as black as the abyss that she represented. If one stared for too long, their very souls were in danger of being devoured. Her hair was as wild as her unpredictable personality.

"... Wait. What's happ-" Before She knew it, her body vibrated so fast and quickly as if she was shaking at a speed inconceivable to the eyes of man… Then, she disappeared as if fading out of existence, but it wasn't just Her… No. It was everyone besides the blond man.

Seconds after their disappearance, the very planet along with all that was fathomable faded away and melted into empty black nothingness.

As everything disappeared, there were only 3 things in existence. The angel, the being that caused the destruction, and the only being the angel had considered a true friend. Using his wings to maintain balance, the blond man crossed his arms, appearing to be waiting for something as he stared into nothingness.



"Ah… You're here. Right on time."

The blond man stated as he felt a pair of eyes searing holes in the back of his head.


"I know-I know. I'm fixing the issue… There's no reason to glare like a judgmental parent. I had enough of that for a lifetime."


"Not feeling talkative today, I see. Well, we both know I do most of the talking anyway."


Without taking any action, the third party created a spark of life.

That spark spawned many more as it rapidly expanded.

As it expanded, The blond man held out his hand, recrafting the totality of light that had been erased moments prior. Soon enough, the condition of the omniverse was stable once more. That, of course, included the lost planet that he and others were having tea on.

The Angel felt the glare on him disappear.

"Next time, at least say goodbye!" He shouted with cupped hands and a smile on his face.


When everything was revamped, like ghosts, everyone slowly became tangible once more until they were fully manifested back in the seats.

"End." The woman finished.

Everyone at the table jumped up out of their seats and began to stare daggers at one another in stupefaction as they were all victims of what had just happened. They were panicking. They were scared. This wasn't a feeling that was supposed to exist within a being of their caliber, and yet, they sat there fearful of what was to come.

"What was that just now, Lucifer!" An obese and bulbous naked woman with bleached white skin and black teeth screamed at the man with wings.

"The fabric… It's changed. He's changed. In turn, not only you but every realm within the omniverse aside from this one was temporarily wiped from existence." At Lucifer's words, everyone gasped in shock.

"No!" A man that was shrouded in purple robes had shouted with a mixture of confusion, anger, and fear. He had a chain connected to his right arm that connected to a strange book of unknown origin.

"That is impossible! Absurd!" The part at the table stared at the man in robes with intense eyes as if his next statement would define them.

"This… This was not in the Book of Souls. How can… unless." The man trailed off.

"A conceptual entity of origin or greater is beyond its capacity." A youthful woman who could only be described as the embodiment of beauty spoke, breaking the silence. She looked to be wearing a jacket made out of burlap with a shirt underneath and pants to match. Her hair was short with crimson at the root with highlights of yellow.

"A new concept? How interesting." An entity that was generally ambiguous in terms of gender smiled with an odd of lust and mischief in its eyes that would make anyone's skin crawl.

"No, it's not, Desire. It's annoying." A muscular red-headed man with no shoes, blue jeans, and an unbuttoned red and black flannel retorted with obvious frustration in his voice.

"Awe… Are you upset because he's encroaching upon your domain and is causing more "Destruction" than you, Olethros?" He said while teasing emphasizing the word destruction.

"Shut your damn trap," Olethros replied, now directing attention to his older sibling.

"Oh no! I've made my little brother u-."

"That's enough… please."

The man in robes stated.

"Thank you, Destiny… Can you please continue what you were saying please? Tell us more about the theory that you have about this new concept." The woman said with a calm and soothing voice.

"I… I don't see anything. I-"

"Can't see anything because the new concept is out of your range."

Lucifer finished Destiny's statement.

"But why? How?" The woman in black asked.

"Death, Destiny, and everyone else. Do you recall Barry Allen?"

Expressionsions of puzzlement sweat across the face of all deities besides Death and Destiny.

"Oh, I'm very aware of the person who killed one of my Avatars. What about him?"

Death asked as if slightly irritated.

"He has been recorded in my books before. I am familiar with the mortal."

"Well, allow me to give everyone a brief summary of his Character. He was the concept of momentum… The keyword being, 'Was', in this case."

"Yes… Meaning no more. He has been replaced by an anomaly."

Lucifer shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly.


Simultaneously, everyone was outraged by the angels' simple statement.

"Last time I checked, you all were deities who were capable of verbal communication, but perhaps I've been mistaken this whole time. I'll try one more time just in case one of you at this table has randomly turned mortal all of a sudden. Yeah?" All entities at the table were silent and listened to Lucifer further explain exactly what was happening.

"So, Barry Allen, the concept of momentum has been replaced by a singularity from an unknown aspect of the omniverse. Since without momentum, the omniverse ceases to function, every figment of reality imploded at once. In turn, all of your domains lacked purpose causing all of you to experience momentary death. Well, to be precise, celestial disposition and dispersion."

"That… that can't be!" Screamed Despair in anger caused her round belly and her long breast to jiggle.

"If that wasn't the case, you wouldn't have all died," Lucifer said as he rolled his eyes.

All concepts were silenced. Some of their eyes widened while others had their jaws slacked. They had nothing to combat the irrefutable words that were coming from an omniscient and omnipresent God.

"I understand… A singularity." A singularity was something almost unfathomable to the average concept. The concepts around the table represented the abstract ideas which meant they were half singularities. What differentiated a half and a whole was the capability of being omniscient.

Abstracts could only be everywhere at once when they were in their own designated domain. When they weren't in their territories and wanted to exert their power throughout the universe, they had to split themselves into avatars, effectively dividing their consciousness. Their alternative sleeves didn't directly relay information out to their main bodies and instead had their own personalities and carried out the general mission of the host.

Because the abstract were equipped with this knowledge, they knew the dangers of letting a new singularity run wild. Singularities had the potential to wipe out their existences if enlightened about their capabilities.

"Well… What will you do about him or her?" Death asked.

"What will I do, you ask?"

Lucifer then grinned ear to ear causing further anticipation to develop in the atmosphere. "Absolutely nothing."


'Alright. I've been in this goddamn bed long enough. It's time to move!' I shouted internally.

For the past two days, I had been fully conscious and capable of using all of my senses. The only problem was that I couldn't move.

Yesterday, I had overheard that I had been in a coma for the past year. I don't know why I took longer than Barry to wake up, but that was just how things were.

Luckily for me, no one heard about me knocking Barry out before we got struck by lightning. This meant I hit him hard enough to give him slight amnesia. Apparently, he didn't remember what happened after coming into the Central City Forensics Lab, which in all honesty made me feel a little sorry… Just a little bit.

Alas, karma was a bitch. While I was in this bed, Barry had already begun his superhero antics which also meant that I was attempting to gain super sleep in hopes to avoid lectures and theories on quantum physics. Katelin, Cisco, and that evil fucker constantly talked about random science shit All-day that would flow through one ear… and proceed to flood my brain with useless worthless shit that I would never use.

Instead of a song playing over and over again in my head, I repeated Goldbach's Conjecture, which is the assertion that every even counting number greater than 2 is equal to the sum of two prime numbers.

'For all ≥2, ∃ at least one Ρ- Goddamn it! I'm doing it again! I don't want to be smart! I want to stay stupid. Having a brain is too much responsibility!' I cursed internally.

"Hey, bud. Noticed ya still KO'ed." Cisco said as he punched my shoulder playfully.


"Nope. Still sleep. Anyway, I wanted to give you an update on the little update on the lady situation I had going on with that Lanna girl I was chatting up for a bit. Remember when I told you about the date I planned?!" He said with excitement in his voice as if he expected me to answer.


"Well! It didn't work out. She flaked on me… but hear me out! I still went out to the movies anyway by my own self. Mmmhmmm!" He said with the sassiness of a middle-aged black woman.

'Ha. Damn. Poor guy.'

"And guess what? I enjoyed the hell out of that movie. I honestly didn't expect Zach Efron to be that funny, but the guy killed it. Arguably one of his best performances, period-point blank. Him as Jason was just so relatable. But I think Mikey by far took the show. Every joke Michale B. Jordan made, I couldn't help but laugh. The dude's charisma is just out of this world. He's almost as funny and handsome as me!"


The movie he was talking about was called, That Awkward Moment. I had watched it as a kid but didn't remember it very well, so him breaking the story down to me was a trip down memory lane.

He was a nice guy. He was the only one out of Team Flash who would visit me, conversing and whatnot as if I was mobile. I don't know if he was just crazy or if he just was genuinely a nice person. I didn't really care. It was the consistent company that I cherished.

It was honestly funny when he came to visit sometime. He would talk about the movies he would go out to see, but these were movies that I had watched and digested ages ago. It put a metaphorical smile on my face to hear him talk about

"Well, there's your free movie review. Consider yourself lucky. I'm prettier sure I could be getting paid for this but you get this free content like Halloween candy."


"Ah… Little old me. Helping the weak and the helpless. All in a day's work though." He said barely able to keep a straight face. If I was awake, I would have made his face concave.

"I'm just kidding bud. You look far from helpless. Just from looking at you, you're a monster. I wouldn't be surprised if you were able to pick up cars with one hand." He said with an animated and exaggerated voice.

"Nah. But seriously dude. You'll be surprised when you wake up at the changes that lightning strike did to you… Honestly, seeing how physically fit you and Bar are, I may just go out and find a lightning bolt of my own… Oh yeah! I almost forgot to tell you. When we were training Barry, he managed to break the sound barrier. It was insane!"

"To be exact, I clocked him at 765 miles per hour, so it was a little under the threshold, but he was just right there. However, not to diminish the guy's feats or anything, but he usually doesn't that fast. His normal speed is about 200 to 300 mph on average and we haven't been able to get him to go that fast again. Still, if you actually have super speed like him, he's the standard you gotta catch up to."

I couldn't help but agree with him. Barry was always making new achievements, so yesterday, I made a promise to myself to outdo him in every way possible.

"That's all I got for now. I caught you up on my family drama, my life stuff, work stuff… wait, Did I teach you the Pi Song yet?"

'Move… Move! For the love of God, Move!'

I screamed internally. I realized that with the Speed Force I somehow attained an innate ability to memorize whatever was being heard, just like Flash in the comics with Speed Reading.

'This fucking nerd turned Pi into a song! Please, Pretty Please! I don't want to hear this!"

"Well, It's not really a song per say, but it's catchy.

It goes a little something like-

I screamed trying to wiggle my body with all my brainpower to no avail. I was his prisoner and he was my capture.

'3.141592 6535897 9323846 2643383 27950288 41971693 99375105 82097494 45923078 16406286 20899862 80348253 42117067 98214808 65132823 06647093 84460955 05822317 25359408 12848111 74502841 02701938 52110555 96446229 48954930 38196442 88109756 65933446 12847564 82337867 83165271 20190914 56485669 23460348 61045432 66482133 93607260 24914127 37245870 ANNNNNNNNND! 06.'

I don't know how long I had been repeating that number in my head, but for every digit, I wanted to stab Cisco in the face.

'Alright! I can move my toes now… well, most of them, anyway. Next is fingers.' I thought triumphantly.

I was very well on the path to unlocking full bodily functionality.

While I was in the process of doing this, commotion was amid the lab.

"You lied to us." Caitlin's voice boomed with disapproval.

"How could you not tell us you're experiencing dizzy spells?"

"We're your doctors."

"God knows what's going on inside your body. Your cells are in a constant state of flux. You could be experiencing cardiopulmonary failure, or a transient ischemic attack."


"Mini-stroke. Probably not." Commented Harrison Wells.

Caitlin continued.

"You, of all people, should know

that in science, we share."

"We do not keep secrets." She expressed her final sentiments, then walked off in a huff.


Silence emerged between the remaining 3 people, but only half of my attention was engaged in their conversation station.

While they were having their talk, my fingers and toes gained mobility which set off a chain reaction in my body.

I could feel an almost incomprehensible amount of power coursing through my veins. With every heartbeat, the vitality in my blood cells would enliven. The sensation that I was feeling like each cell in my body was going through a minor nuclear explosion. No. It was more accurate to say that all cells in my body were colliding together at electrifying speeds.

I could feel the very atoms in my DNA smashing together causing nuclear fusion, overall increasing structural integrity. As the fusion happened, soon came fission which scattered and dismantled the foundation of my molecules. The remaining fragments of sed molecules were snatched away as if a god held an atom magnet over my withering body.

While any other form of matter would have been obliterated by this magnet, I wasn't. The reason was simple. The otherworldly atomic thief that stole, was in fact only borrowing so that I would increase in value over time as if I was a bank loan with extra interest. My atoms that were borrowed returned linked to the symbiotic energy source from which it was originally taken, making me feel as if I had enough energy in my body to create a universe.

The sensation that washed over me as I was in the midst of awakening…

It was… euphoric.

It was… enlightening.

It was… energizing.

It was… extrinsic.

It was… evolution.

It was… everything.

All one-hundred quadrillion mitochondria squirming in my body with excitement.

They were jumping around so vigorously that it was like they had gained their own sentience. It was as if each had consumed their own lightning bolt.

My entire body began to tingle. I could feel a warm sensation creeping up from the bottom of my feet to my calves. Adrenaline started pumping intensely starting from my core. I could tell that if I was able to focus on this sensation, I would be able to wake up soon.

'It's happening! I can finally feel my legs.' Anticipation started to build as this bad dream was slowly coming to an end.

"Wow, I haven't seen anyone make her that angry since Ronnie," Cisco mumbled.

"Ronnie was Caitlin's finance?"

"The one that died the night of the accelerator explosion?" Barry asked. Caitlin's words had quite the impact on him as his pitch was less enthusiastic and dire than usual.

I didn't know precisely that they had been friends, but when friends hit you with the truth, it was more devastating than a random person telling you a lie. The venomous sting of disappointment stung more intensely than bathing in a vat of acid.

"Yeah… He is missed," Wells added while being extremely monotone for the situation.

Although I was focused on getting up, I couldn't help but get slightly irritated. I knew his true intention while all those around me were blind.

"Now, let's figure out why this is happening to you."

I could hear all two and a half men walking away.

'Okay… I think, in this episode, they're using the super speed treadmill, but I'm not sure. What I am sure of though is that I feel it all the way to my neck now.' The 'it' was referring to the warm sensation of electricity coursing through my veins.

'And Now!'

"Gasp*" I swallowed enough air to fill the lungs of 10 men.

My eyes shot open revealing fuzzy images as if a flashbang blew up in front of me, but they only took a few seconds to adapt.

Taking the Nasal cannula from my nose, I saw that I was hooked up to a whole bunch of machines that monitored various bodily functions. One for my heart rate, blood pressure, brain activity, and even balance.

'Cool. Free health care… nice.' I chuckled to myself knowing that if I was in my previous world, the hospital I resided in would have taken me off of life support and left me to die due to lack of funds. Then, for the first time in a year, I stretched my arms. Lo and behold, unlike in my past life where I was a fat piece of lard who had flab that dangled with the slightest movement, my skin now was blemishless while my muscles were far more prevalent and defined.

While sitting in place, gathering myself, I realized Cisco wasn't lying when he said that I was a monster. I was in a hospital gown with no pants on, but from what I could see, my forearms were triple the muscularity of what they were prior. My calves were as defined and sturdy as a Roman statue. My feet had slightly grown while my leg looked slightly longer, which I didn't really care for.

What I did care for though was that my Man-Boobs and Beer-Belly had vanished as if I was a professional calisthenics body-builder for six years on a roids cycle. In short, I had genetics on par with Thor from marvel comics.

Pulling the collar of my gown, I witnessed with my own eyes the comparison that I made was spot on.

'2, 4, 6. 8?!'

A tear was almost forming in my eye.

I was always handsome. I never really struggled with the opposite gender in adulthood; I was also a wordsmith at heart. What I did struggle with was being a fat diabetic my whole life.

Growing up, I was always more reluctant to take my shirt off in public places like the beach, or even at all in front. But now, that was a thing of the past.

If I wanted to, I could accomplish my middle school self's dream by starting the trend on youtube where a douche (me) walks up to random girls in populated areas flexing my muscles in an effort to impress them. I wasn't going to do that. But the fact that it could have given me a confidence boost to the moon.


I whispered to myself.

'Looks like almost dying was worth it. If I could go back in time and do it all over, I would.'

I then grinned from ear to ear because with me becoming the new embodiment of the speed force, going back in time was rather manageable now. I just needed a bit of time for experimentation.

Observing my body a little more, I felt an uncomfortable sensation in my lower pelvic region.

I… I knew what was underneath the blanket. I worked in the field of hospice in the past before working as a garbage man.

'It's a goddamn catheter.'

When an old person or a disabled person had complications with using the bathroom, to prevent accidents from happening, A plastic tube was shoved into their bladder by entry of the urethra.


For a moment, I just stared at 'it'. With pulling a catheter out, a person would go through slight pain in a very sensitive area, so a nurse in order to ease a patient's pain would usually countdown to prepare them for what was to come.

'I'm doing this myself.'

With two delicate hands, I grabbed onto the yellow tube and took a deep breath.


As I carefully pulled, an alien sensation that ravaged my body paired with a weird fleshy sound made me want to projectile vomit.


"That's done."

Next, I slowly pulled out a needle that was connecting me to an IV and took the heart rate monitor off my finger.


A long hum signifying that a pulse hadn't been detected had gone off.

After that, I removed the four probes that were prodded in my head for the brainwave monitor.

Free of all restraints, It was time that I stood up.

"Easy… Easy…. There we go. Now apply a little pressure and-"

As I stood on the floor and finally stood up tall, I realized I had nothing to worry about.

'I guess that the Speed Force automatically regulates my equilibrium.' I theorized.

But before I could take another step, The sound of a blaring fire-alarm-like jingle went off in my room.

"*Beep-Beep-Beep* *Beep-Beep-Beep*"


Although the noise made me slightly jump, I was calm for the most part. I figured that I would have been hooked up to some device or system to notify the others whenever a patient's vitals showed irregularities.

Predicting what was about to happen, I made my way to a corner of the lab and calmly sat on a stool that was against a wall.

'Let's hope I make a good first impression.'


Caitlin Snow and Harrison began calibrating code making sure that the programming for the treadmill was capable of withstanding the weight and Speed of Central City's New Hero.

As they were occupied with sed accolades, Franciso Ramon made his over to Barry who seemed to be confused about the S.T.A.R Labs branded boxes.

"We're all set. A little padding. Just in case… Ya'know."

Smiling, he tapped on the boxes and walked to the room Caitlin and Wells were in that looked to double as a protection zone for debris.

Turning around Barry mounted the treadmill.

As he stood stationary, boisterous humming from various started to unify causing Barry to become slightly anxious.

"You sure about this, Cisco?" Barry turned around to ask.

"Most home treadmills have a maximum speed

of about 12 miles per hour. This one has been Cisco's.

Trust me, it can handle your speed." With his nose in the air, Cisco assured.

"Okay…" Barry hesitated but decided to allow his instincts to take over. He then began to do what he knew best, and that was running.

First, he began with a slight jog. That jog transformed into a run so fast that his leg turned into a blur and was untraceable. After the jog, he began to move so fast that he looked as if he had become a spectral phantom that was locked into place while the treadmill under his feet began to pulsate with a glowing luminosity.

"Heart rate, blood pressure, nerve conduction, all normal. For Barry, anyway." Caitlin realized as she stared at the monitor in front of her that the words that left her mouth were absolutely absurd. Barry had the capability of wiping life off the earth if he chose. In her mind, this godly being had set a law of physics bending the standard of what the word Normal was.

"Brain wave functions within standard limits"

As she was talking, Cisco couldn't help but get giddy at the device that he made working so optimally.

"I told you the treadmill could take it." Cisco was very much on the verge of jumping up and down in joy as all of his calculations and preparations had worked out in his favor.

"Okay. Look at the glucose levels." Cisco's smile had even managed to rub off on Wells.

"Oh my God. Of course!" Wells' words brought Caitlin to an epiphany.

"It was so obvious." She had realized a huge miscalculation in her research.

"Yeah. Barry! We think we know why you keep-!"As Wells shouted, Barry looked to be absolutely sapped of energy. The vigor he had upon starting the experimentation disappeared, then, Barry lost control of his legs flying backward into the boxes that were supposed to be a safety measure. A cloud of packing peanuts flew all around the room causing a massive mess.

"Passing out.." Wells finished.

"Ouch… Why does bumping my head like this give me a sense of Deja Vu?" Barry asked.

"You okay bud?" Wake Cisco, but before Barry could answer, A loud blaring alarm rang throughout the entire building.

"*Beep-Beep-Beep* *Beep-Beep-Beep*"


Everyone's eyes shot open in surprise. The patient and the only other specimen they had for research regarding the particle accelerator had just been put into a critical state.

"Everyone, Go check on him! Now!" With Wells' demand, with the utmost urgency, Barry jumped to his feet.


Before 10 seconds could even pass, the sound of lightning could be heard booming from the distant halls of the football stadium-lengthed laboratory.


As the sound got louder and closer, it diminished as my perception of time got slower and slower. The dust particles that were previously flowing in the air gently begin to halt in place, which drew my attention.

Whilst that was happening, I could see encroaching blooming yellow light coming from the hall 10 feet away from me as if a dim light switch was being turned on.

Soon, the rumbling sound disappeared as a whole… But internally, I could hear a different sound. The sound of my heart beating at the speed of an assault rifle.

No humming from computers. No Taylor Swift playing from the built-in speakers in the cycling, just my thunderous heart… Even though I couldn't do anything else, I could feel a sixth sense that was capable of comprehending the vibration of a figure… No. Not just a figure, but a multitude of them. Following that, I could see them.

A man in a red suit was running in slow motion while pushing a wheelchair that had 3 people with frozen facial expressions crammed in it, which looked comedic, to say the least.

He then neatly placed a man and a woman down in front of me and placed the man in a wheelchair in the center.


With that sound, my perception went back to normal. Caitlin Snow, Cisco, Barry Allen, and a cripple appeared in front of me with a sense of panic written all over their faces.

'Fictional characters turned reality… Nah… Fictional is too harsh. For all I knew, this universe could have been created before my previous one.' I thought.

At this point, I had understood that universes within the omniverse weren't so different. My previous world had a lot of similarities to this one. We shared the same car brands, shared a lot of celebrities, shared the same technology, and plenty more.

Now, I was currently in the school of thought that believed anything was possible. Gods existing, branch realities, the supernatural, and life after death. Nothing was impossible to me now… especially with the fact that I could actively feel the Speed Force coursing through my veins with every breath I took as if I was in a cultivation novel.

"Hello, everyone. I hope your days are going well."

As I spoke, they looked at me with varying looks.

Barry with confusion, Caitlin with surprise, Cisco with intrigue, and Wells with suspicion.

Funnily enough, Barry had his costume on attempting to hide his identity, but it was far too late for that.

The man in the wheelchair was the first to speak.

"Hello… My name is-"

"Dr. Harrison Wells. I'm very aware of who you are." I confessed with my legs and arms crossed. I didn't mean to look intimidating, but from the slight glare of hostility that Wells had in his eyes, he may have interrupted that way.

With my words, silence consumed us. All four of them were in an unsettled state with their guards up. With a wary smile, Wells spoke once more. "Ah… you must be a fan of my work… Good."

"My apologies, but to be quite frank, I couldn't begin to fathom what you do… I just know that you're the reason I was able to get the support that I needed to stay alive. It's because of you that I'm breathing… And for that, you have my utmost respect and gratitude. I'm in your debt." I bowed my head. With that, I could see the skepticism within disappeared, but I could tell, he had questions.

"How does one recently comatose man, such as yourself, come upon such knowledge? What draws you to the conclusion that I helped you in any way?" Wells asked emotionlessly while crossing his arms.

"Well… That's because I've been conscious for the past few months."

"Wait… A few months?" Caitlin asked while Wells frowned waiting for my response.

With her questioning tone, Cisco's body language allowed me to know he was slightly uncomfortable which was understandable. Since I was able to coherently think, he had been conversing with me on the daily revealing his deepest and darkest secrets.

"Yeah… A few months. just a little over 5 in total. Around the same time that my lightning pal, Barry here woke up." I announced while pointing to the man in the red suit. At my statements, everyone besides Wells began to panic, especially Cisco.







"He's not…"

"He's not..."

Cisco and Caitlin began to rummage for words.

"I'm not" As did Barry.

"I don't know who this Barry Allen guy am-is-not me. I mean, but he isn't me. How could that guy be me when i'm here and he isn't. Probably off doing something completely unrelated."

The Flash stated with a strange vocal pattern that made it sound like multiple people were talking at once.

"Dude…" Cisco was utterly disappointed.

"You literally have a lightning bolt on your chest." I then pointed at Flash's logo.

"*sigh* Barry. Stop with the voice thing. You stumbled all over the place with your words." Caitlin said while gently facepalming.

Barry's jaw slacked momentarily. Then, he pulled off his mask revealing the face of Grant Guston.

Your secret's safe with me." I whispered, crossing my heart with my fingers.

"You gotta get better with that man…" said Cisco.

"Are you really one to talk?" I asked while raising my eyebrow at him, causing his eye to widen for a brief moment after realizing what I said.

"Huh? What's He talking about, Cisco?"

"NOTHING! Moving onnnnnn. Hey, Dr. Wells, did you have more to say?"

"Trivial conversation aside,I still have more questions to ask.." I said while raising my eyebrow. Everyone looked directly at Cisco with ridicule, including wells.

"Anyway," I mumbled while shrugging my shoulders.

"As you've previously stated, you know who I am. It's only common courtesy to tell us who you are. Strangely enough, we've searched far and wide, and yet, we couldn't find a single concrete piece of evidence regarding your identity… We've taken your blood, saliva, and tissues samples from you, but that didn't work. We've taken your prints, but you weren't in any database. No criminal history, no social presence, and no family. For all intents and purposes, you don't exist." Wells stated.

"Who am I?" All eyes were on me and I didn't know how to answer his question. My identity in my past world didn't exist here. I'm an outcome he couldn't predict.

"Oh-man." I sighed.

"Well, Mr. Omen, do you have a last name?" he asked with his ear perked up.

'They think my name is Omen? Well.. Even if I gave him my real name, it wouldn't really matter. It's not like I have history here, so screw it.'

"No last name. Just Oman."

"That's a badass name. I mean, If your goal is to be a supervillain, that is." Cisco impulsively spoke which caused an awkward moment of silence.

And the uncomfortable atmosphere, I rubbed my neck.

"I mean, If you want to be technical, there are good omens."

I replied.


"Mr. Omen?" Wells interrupted.

"Omen is fine."

"Well… Omen. Do you mind if I conduct an interview with you? There are some rather personal questions I have to ask you in private."

"Uh…. No. I don't mind."

I was slightly confused and nervous at the request.

"Good. That's a pleasure to hear… Ms. Snow."

"Yes, Doctor Wells?"

"I would like you to bring all the equipment I planned for this event, including the polygraph, to my office. I'm going to be giving our dearest new friend, Omen, a psychological and physical assessment.

'Fuck.' I wasn't sure if the same things applied considering this was a different universe, but Thawne was a certified genius in the comics. out of the various degrees that he had obtained throughout life, psychology was one of them. He was completely certified to give me any assessment regarding the mind.

"Ha." I chuckled which caught the attention of Wells.

"Is there something tickling you?" He asked.

"No. I apologize."

Nodding, he started rolling his chair down the hall.

"If you would be so kind as to follow my lead, it would be greatly appreciated."

"Gotcha." I followed wells making my exit.