Dragging Grodd back to his base by the collar, I hurled his heavy body against a wall which created a gorilla-sized impression that looked cartoonish once he dug himself out.
I didn't need to crouch in order to reach eye level. In fact, I had to look upwards at him while he remained seated on the floor. That was saying something considering I was 6'4.
Summoning a lighting bolt that I condensed into a spear, I aimed at Grodd's neck.
With one large and audible gulp, Grodd placed his hand to his forehead, doing what I assumed to be activating his powers.
"If you send a message to Thawne, I'll eat you," I declared while gritting my teeth with hostility.
"I wouldn't do something so foolish while my life is in the hands of another... I'm bending the minds of all the Meta who intensified the chaos."
"What about the rampaging people?"
"I've put those you allowed to remain free to sleep."
"Good. How long will it take to put out those fires?"
"The estimated time will be 20 minutes if I use the teleporting human in conjunction with the one that controls the weather."
Retracting my spear, I walked to the opposite side of the room from Grodd and entered my Speed Meditation.
Crossing my legs on the floor, I made sure to project my consciousness throughout the entire vicinity of the room as a means to feel for sudden changes of vibrations.
'It is warmth… it is love… It is pain… it is wrath… It is nothing… It is purpose… It is inside of me… for I am it.'
Repeating my Speed Montra, I began to slip into a lucid state of being where I was alone with the Speed Force.
After absorbing half of Grodd's existence, I was able to receive an astronomical amount of aid in Speed Force domination. I didn't know how to calculate without the help of Cisco, but I knew I was far faster than I had ever been. If I attempted to study physics, I would have been able to easily calculate for my speed, but math was just uninteresting to me.
When it came to the speed force, it was something that was extra-dimensional and ethereal, so in pursuing it, it didn't really make sense for me to go about mastering it with a human's sense of logic and reasoning. After all, how was I supposed to grasp something that defied the laws of physics? By using physics?
In fairness, science was the best means of understanding the unknown, but science was only right until it was proven otherwise. If 1+1 was equal to 2, but one day, science found that it was more effective to make the result of that equation 3, 3 would become the answer until that was deemed inefficient as well.
I was far more in love with the idea of metaphysics because unlike its factually based counterpart,
Metaphysics was a craft that welcomed the idea of anything and everything and had no glass ceilings and free-range to think. The more one would overcomplicate things, the more complicated things were to become. I applied the same logic to my theoretical Speed Force initiative.
From my understanding, the Speed Force was a concept. Like many others in its class, it was one that was ruled by intuition. When speedsters who were bound by it were in the direst of situations, instead of thinking with their brains, they relied on their hearts which granted them fictitious amounts of strength. It sounded stupid in impossible, but such was the way of life.
In the DC Universe, there were people known as Lanterns who channeled their power from higher entities who were the literal corporeal forms of emotion. In this multiverse, things like death and dreams had incarnations with distinctive personalities.
I... I at the end of the day was a fellow entity.
An entity with a consciousness that was capable of thinking ideas. Ideas that were the currency of gaining higher existence. I... I now had the tools to be employed and compensated with sed that currency.
My heart and mind were two things of three things that I needed to get more powerful. The last was my willpower. Adding all three together would allow me to become the Apex. It was the path that I set my mind to walk.
After absorbing Grodd's speed, I knew my senses were far more honed than they had ever been. I knew I was overall more mighty than ever before. And I knew I was bringing my fiction into this reality.
Feeling for my body's additions, I innately felt more in control over the vessel I controlled for so long. If I had been a human walking before, I was now a newborn chick with ambitions of flying... but, I knew there were birds of prey on the prowl, so I still had a long way to go.
'I'll reach them soon enough.'
Mentally picturing all of the atoms in my body connecting to the invisible electric currents that flowed freely throughout the universe, I felt my body begin to vibrate uncontrollably.
I had gained further control of my molecular structure and developed a strange sixth sense in my body that I was slowly but surely mastering.
Right now, I was attempting to polarize the atmosphere, dragging the particles that flowed freely through the reality in my vicinity.
Then, with the aid of the Speed Force, I was able to shackle these loose particles, forcibly bonding them with electricity that I forged.
After the chaining and bonding process began, I began to drag them closer and closer as if calling them to return home.
Arcs of electricity began to fire off in every which way in a deadly and destructive manner, but I had no fear of endangering anyone in this controlled environment.
I continued to pull from the external sources, feeling internally as if I was filling a damn.
I continued to gorge on the energy until my body was reaching the point where it was overindulging, overfilling, and self-destructing.
As it reached I arrived at the maximum capacity I could bear and formulated enough energy to destroy half of the city. If I had lost concentration, that may have very well been the scenario.
I molded all excess protons and electrons in my surroundings together while I used the Speed Force to artifactually create neutrons.
Using Speed aura as a nucleus, I molded the particles like clay, creating molecules that I modeled after my own. After this replication process, I poured my efforts into a Speed Aura Cast that I pictured as being the same shape as a human. Although this process was rather complex, the imagery in my head helped it flow smoothly.
I imagined that white energy specks entered my body and exited as I condensed them with the gravity of my will.
While meditating, I emulated the actions that I witnessed in cultivation novels and manhwa I read in the past. Before arriving in this universe, I would have never guessed in a million years that being such a huge closeted geek would work out so well for me in the long run, but my intuition of the Speed Force was evidence.
Pouring all the molecules inside of my speed homunculus diligently and carefully, I then spread my mind into the cast, imagining that I physically removed my brain from my head, putting it into another body.
'This'll probably fail...'
If my plans were foiled, I had the intention of absorbing all of the energy that was created and running outside. Once to the surface, I would focus all of that energy on a lightning bolt and throw it as hard as I could towards the sky to prevent the deaths of countless people.
Slowly opening my eyes, I was shocked to see a mirror version of myself. So shocked, that my jaw hung agape.
"It worked..." I was shocked. Speechless, even. A figure that looked just like me was sitting right before me, staring at his hands and examining his body.
After a few moments. I raised my hands in an attempt to touch it while he shockingly did the same to me.
As our fingertips touched, sparks flew that caused us to jump up in surprise.
[Can it speak?]
The words that were emitted were my own, but they hadn't come from my mouth. They had come from the vibrating vocal cords of my clone.
"What the-"
With wide eyes, I looked at the clone with incredulity.
It was my first time attempting to create a Speed Scout, but I had succeeded in my attempt.
"What?! How?!"
Grodd exclaimed from a distance.
The clone turned around and looked at Grodd and shrugged his shoulders then continued to observe me.
"Pay attention to the fires, Monkey."
[Pay attention to the fires, Monkey.]
The clone and I both shouted.
Cautiously observing each other, the clone looked down at its plans, seemingly saddened by something. What was his sudden shift in attitude?
"Are you capable of thought?"
[Looks like...]
The clone began to touch and feel his own skin. He then began to feel the very ground he sat on.
"He couldn't be a scout if that were the case. He must be a remnant." Shouted a peeping Grodd.
Looking over the clone's shoulder, I stared at Grodd, causing him to get intimidated, and snappily got back to work.
[This... This is just depressing.]
[Because I know that I'm the clone.]
"What makes you think that?"
I asked while tilting my head in confusion.
Since the moment he had laid eyes on me, the clone had been acting out of the range of my predictions. He brought all different types of questions to the forefront of my mind.
One of them being, what was his issue?
I created the illusion of life. This was a monumental moment. Before me was a near-perfect alternative version of myself, and yet he didn't share my cheer.
I had to gather every bit of information I could from this experience.
[Well... The first clue was that my body is now in a different position than I remember it being in a few seconds ago. That's First... Now the second...]
He then stood up straight and stretched his body.
[I don't feel the same connection I once felt to the Speed Force... Instead, I feel a new connection with you, essentially making me feel like I'm tied to you in some way... It's annoying.]
He began to pace back and forth in contemplation.
[The third clue that I'm not you is this dumbass voice that makes it sound like I have on a voice changer.]
He had a point about his voice. His voice sounded oddly deeper than mine while also sounding like he was speaking into a fan.
"How does that make you feel?"
[You wanna be my fuckin therapist for my existential crisis that I'm having right now or somethin?]
His words were sarcastic, but their weight was heavy. He shook his head and retracted his helmet revealing my own face... but his eyes had no irises or pupils. They gleamed with a mysterious white light that made one feel as if they were gazing into the eyes of a god.
[This sucks...]
Omen 2 stated with a face of sorrow and regret.
Omen 2 looked over his shoulder at Grodd who looked like he was trying to eavesdrop on our conversation.
[Hold up.]
He stated while holding his index finger to his lips.
Suddenly, his eyes began to surge with black arcs of electricity.
{Talk to me through the Speed Force.}
Omen 2 stated.
"How did you..."
I was confused. I didn't even know that the skill he was showcasing was possible.
{Hurry up and just try.}
He stated bluntly.
Wordlessly nodding my head I attempted his actions.
Focusing my mental energy, I attempted to connect my mind with his while using some of the same steps I used to steal speed. Instead of stealing, this time, my goal was to link his thoughts with my own without breaking the connection between us.
A lightning bolt struck his forehead that originated from my own.
"My bad."
I said nervously massaging my neck.
The other Omen rubbed his head alleviating the pain from my accidental strike that seared his skin.
{You're good... Just use 100th of the amount of energy you just used on me and you'll be able to speak with me through the link.}
Nodding my head, I attempted our bond once more.
Unlike the first time, I could feel the black lightning coming off of my face just like it had with Omen 2.
{There you go. Now ya got it.}
Omen 2 teased.
{Thanks... How did you figure out how to do that.}
I asked, referring to our link.
{Well, I just didn't want to risk the possibility of the monkey hearing us. When I thought of ways we could take this conversation private, I thought of how convenient it would be if we could speak telepathically. Once I went down that rabbit hole, that got me thinking about all the different types of telepaths that we know of in comic books. One of the most powerful ones I thought about in particular was Charles Xavier from the X-men... And telepathy in marvel works by-}
{Going into the Astral plane!}
I interrupted out of sheer astonishment.
The Astral plane in the Marvel world was an unlimited and endless domain where all consciousness in existence was born into reality. Like the Speed Force, It was a fundamental aspect of existence. Telepaths in the Marvel world had the ability to manipulate matter in the Astral Plane, tapping into the consciousness of others manipulating their thoughts, actions, and perceptions of reality.
Particularly powerful telepaths had a far more superior control over the Astral Plane and could use its forces to manipulate reality itself. The astral plane was essentially the origin and home of all souls in Marvel, not to be confused with one of their many heavens... no. The astral plane was grander than heaven from my understanding considering all souls were connected to it no matter their location.
The Speed Force itself was just as grand. It was what came before the beginning of the universe. It was what superseded all concepts. It was a domain to me and all of the Speedster kind but was fundamental to all matter in the universe.
Omen 2 winked and gave me a thumbs up. He puffed his chest out proudly at his achievement.
{So... with you not knowing if the Astral Plane was a thing or not in this multiverse, you decided to use the Speed Force as an alternative source to bond your consciousness with my own, in turn, telepathically messaging me.}
{Right on the money.}
Omen 2 stated.
{Then do you think...}
I pondered.
{Yeah. I think it's definitely possible.}
Omen 2 obviously knew what conclusion I was arriving at.
The Speed Force was everywhere. The Speed Force was in everything, essentially meaning that it was in everybody. Perhaps, with training, I could use it to gain my own form of telepathy that I could use to communicate across long distances. Perhaps with future allies even.
{That's genius.}
I thought.
He said while regaining the same sad expression he had before.
{You never answered my question... How does it feel?}
I telepathically asked while placing my hand on his shoulder.
{Well... After today, I'll probably disappear forever...}
{How do you know that?}
I asked, feeling sympathetic.
{As I said before, I'm the clone... I'm not a real person. All the hopes and dreams I ever had up till now... They all belong to you... I'm... I'm essentially just a clump of Speed Force, for christ's sake. And there's a high chance that I'm going to disperse into nothingness the moment my molecules lose their structural integrity... We saw what happened to August.}
He spoke referring to Godspeed. He was the first Speedster who had ever created Speed Scouts. Because the clone had my memories, He knew all of the ramifications of creating a Speed Scout.
By dividing one's Speed Force, an individual would be able to appear in two places at once. In theory, It sounded like the ultimate tactic for a speedster when it came to combat. The problem was, Speed clones weren't forever.
When August created his Speed Scouts in the comics, and when Grodd created his earlier, the actions split their individual speeds in half. This fatal mistake was why I was able to have victory over Grodd so easily, even though I was confident that I could have still taken him without his lapse in judgment.
The case of August in the comics was slightly different from Grodd's. In his situation, He was able to maintain his clones in combat for quite a while. But when a certain amount of time passed, the main body experienced an excruciating amount of pain while Godspeed's clones were destabilized. This in turn returned the Speed Force into his body.
{This might be a different situation though.}
{How so?}
Omen 2 looked with the same amount of dread on his face.
{Well... for starters, the way I made you is different from how Grodd and Godspeed made theirs.}
The reason I went and created this clone in the way that I did wasn't to create for the sake of its being, but for my own.
I didn't want to give half of my speed away, so I summoned the energy from outside forces and only used my frame as a blueprint for Omen 2's creation.
In short, I still felt as fast as ever and had the same energy levels.
{I'm aware of what you did... I know my body isn't entirely made out of Speed Force like a regular clone, so I'm not completely sustained by it.}
With my brow raised, I crossed my arms.
{The problem is... I'm dying.}
Omen 2 clenched his fist in regret and anger.
{I can feel it... Me slowly losing consciousness, and I feel like I'm getting sucked right back into you.}
{What do you mean, you're dying? How?}
{Look at this...}
Omen 2 placed his left palm on my chest where my O emblem was. As he did, he had begun to disintegrate into the same glowing white particles that I had assembled in my imagination while in the process of creating him.
His hand disappeared all the way to his wrist before pulling back.
{This is what I meant by saying that I was chained up by you... Well, the Speed Force inside of you, rather.}
I couldn't help but feel guilty. My goal wasn't to put him into such a pitiful state. I just wanted to make a cool clone with my power but accidentally made a sentient being.
Omen 2 chuckled which confused me.
{What's funny.}
{It's just... the first thought that came to my head just reminded me of how egotistical we are.}
{What happened?}
I requested to know what he had been thinking.
{The moment you gave me that sorry-ass look, I thought, Don't pity me, you fuck. I'll be a god one day.'}
He couldn't contain himself.
This time, the smile that I gave him was a genuine one.
{Nah... It's good. Don't take it to heart... If it makes you feel any better, I'd pick you over me any day.}
{What do you mean by that?}
His last line had an ominous presence behind it.
{I mean, when I realized I was about to die, a few thoughts came into my head.}
{Go ahead, shoot.}
{The first thought was, "I should probably kill him and take his speed."
I thought that then, maybe I could fulfill my dreams of ruling the DC universe. But... if I did things that way, not only would it have been fucked up from a moral standpoint, but I would have just turned into one of those generic character tropes, just like that evil Barry that came back from the future.}
{Damn... You thought of killing me? I didn't do anything to you.}
I was surprised at his words and frowned.
{Get off of that high horse dickhead. I'm literally you. You would have thought the same thing in my shoes...}
I smirked because I saw right through myself. He wasn't wrong at all. In fact, since I was him, I wavered that it was a 50/50 chance of him eating me upon realizing he had sentience.
{The second thought put me in check. Getting my head on straight, I considered, "I probably shouldn't think like that. He's the original... I should be grateful for the fact that he gave me life in the first place... and shit, I know that you've been wanting this for a while now. While I'm about 3 minutes old, you're old as fuck. What did I look like robbing the elderly?}
"Ha. Fuck you."
{Nah... but I had to be considerate of the future. With the way that you're about things right now, I'm sure that you'll get stronger in no time. So strong to the point that they'll probably be another Mes' that you create in the future who will have the opportunity for life...}
He gave a soft smile and continued.
{I should lead them by example... After all, if I were to take your place what would happen in a situation where I needed to make my own Speed Clones because I was outnumbered by zombie Flashes or something? Why would they have reason to respect me when I couldn't respect you, my technical dad? Wouldn't that show that I lacked integrity? Wouldn't they just turn on me as I did to you?}
{That...Makes sense... But don't call me your dad weirdo.}
Omen 2 smirked. He was very strange... Although our talk had been short, he had a bizarre amount of wisdom. He had me stumped.
{No problem, Pops.}
{You make me sick.}
I said dramatically while washing my hand over my face.
{Then you should seek some therapy. Self-hatred is not good and is a very slippery slope.}
Sharing a smile Omen 2 and I remained silent.
{Well... My energy is running out... We should probably get this over with.}
{Yeah... We should.}
As he was about to put his hand on my chest to enter my body, he halted in place.
{Wait... Before I go, can I ask you for a favor?}
{Yeah... Go ahead.}
{I know this might sound stupid to you being the real one ... but I want a name.}
{A... A what?}
{Yeah... A name. I know that there's a high chance that once I'm gone after today, I'm gone for good... but if there's a chance that I can have one dream fulfilled, it would be my dream to matter in this world.}
{It's stupid... I know it is... and I know the memories that I have are technically yours, but you should know how important this is for me... I want to matter. I want to exist... Even if I never make the slightest impact in history, I want to be remembered by at least you... Not by the old name we used to answer to in our previous world and not something dumb like Omen 2... I want a real name of my own.}
{Well? Literally dying to know, here.}
I had set my mind to it. Hundreds of names went through my mind, but I settled on this one.
{Rai? Like... The Japanese word for lightning and thunder.}
{Yeah. I think it fits.}
Rai had a complex expression on his face.
{Sooooooooo edgy. You read way too much manga.}
He gave a shining grin.
{You asked me to give you a name. I gave you one. You're Rai now, you ass.}
[Haha. Nah. I expected it from a guy named Omen.]
"I hope you like it. cause you're not getting another one."
[I like it... I really do.]
Putting his palm on my chest he started to disappear.
[Don't forget about me.]
He smiled one last time and was absorbed into my body completely.
'I won't.'
"Omen. The city has been restored back to normal while the inmates have been put back into their cells. I have also taken care of the metas... What is it that you request of me next?" Grodd stated while standing to me on one knee, avoiding eye contact.
"What does taking care of them entail?"
"I had of all Metas walk into the nearest body of water, drowning themselves while I had the individuals with elemental guns shoot themselves."
'Well, damn.'
My eyes widened at his words.
"I apologize if your intention was to keep those humans alive. My intention wasn't to disrespect you."
Slamming his head on the floor in hopes of forgiveness, I stopped him.
"It's probably better that way... Next, I want you to tell me everything that you know about Thawne."
"Is there anything specific that you would like to know? My father is a very complex man who has many layers."
"Tell me about his capabilities as a Speedster."
"From what he has informed me, his maximum speed is Mach 25. Only slightly faster than me in my prime. He isn't skilled at hand-to-hand and solely focuses on enhancing his connection with the Speed Force, as he deems every other weapon unnecessary and inferior to his fist."
"What is his goal in causing all this chaos in the city?"
"He wants to distract you so that he is able to steal the Speed Force energy residing in Barry Allen. He intends to do this by means of a Tachyon Siphoning device."
"So that he knows that no matter how hard you try, you will never be able to catch up to his speed... After he finishes taking Allen's Speed, He intends on taking yours."
"And where is he right now?"
Grodd then turned around and walked towards his computer and started typing away.
After a few moments, the monitor displayed what looked to be live footage of S.T.A.R. Labs.
The screen depicted the immobile Cisco, Snow, and Felicity.
What was she doing there?
Although I was confused about her, what I was more confused about was the fact that there was a crying and puffed eye Barry Allen who lay rested on an apparently dying man.
'Shit... The timeline has changed tremendously because of me.' Now, to be fair, I wasn't afraid of the ramifications of changing the timeline of this universe. If that was the case, then I would have never intervened in its history on December 11th. What brought me concern was that things had changed so drastically from the show.
Thawne revealed himself far more quickly than he was meant to.
'Wait... Mach 25? That's nowhere near the speed of light.'
I was confused. If his goal was to reach his original timeline, then would he have moved right now?
'There's only 3 conclusions that I can come up with right now off the top of my head. The first is that you don't need to obey the theory of relativity in order to slip into the Time Stream because by activating the Speed force, one can be able to skip that step in physics. The second is that the speed of light might not be as fast as it was in my universe... which is probably highly improbable.'
'The third is, Cisco probably somehow activated his powers and was able to open up a portal and Thawne is just waiting for me to arrive so that he can steal my speed. All of these seem like pretty shity outcomes.'
I thought as Grodd looked with anticipation. I knew that there was no way this version of thawne reached the speed of light. If that was the case, Then he would have already been home. No... He was waiting for me. I knew it in my heart.
"This is stressful... but I'm still gonna go take care of him." Thawne no longer had a view of my biometrics, so he had yet discovered how fast I had gotten after consuming Grodd's speed. He was definitely confident in defeating me.
"Is that all you require?"
Grodd asked.
"No... Download all information related to Eobard Thawne on that computer and give it to me."
After a few more minutes, Grodd handed me a metal flash drive
"Am I allowed to leave? I've made good with my portion of the agreement."
"Check if it works first. Make sure it's not encrypted."
Nodding his head at my words, Grodd pulled out a laptop from underneath a desk and gave it to me.
After making sure that the drive worked on multiple devices, I manifested pockets onto my costume and made sure to coat it with Speed Aura for protection.
"Am I free to go?"
Grodd sounded anxious. He wanted to get away from me soon as possible.
I stared Grodd down as he waited for my answer.
Sweat dripped down the ape's forehead as he wasn't sure if I was mentally in the state of forgiving.
"Sure... You may go."
As if a gigantic weight had been taken off of his shoulders, Grodd stood up with the burden of being subservience lifted.
"Thank you."
Turning around Grodd began to walk away.
Before he could even take another stride forward, I Sliced Grodd's head off with my lightning construct spear.
His head rolled on the ground like a heavy 50-pound bowling ball as my spear had been his demise. There wasn't any blood splatter as my lightning had cauterized his wounds shut the moment I created them.
With only one movement, I had set Grodd free to roam the pits of hell where he would burn for the rest of eternity.
While his body had still been stung like a headless chicken, I implied it with my spear, absorbing all of the excess speed force before it got the chance to escape.
I was still a glutton at heart. I would never allow my food to go half-eaten.
I ingested his mouth-watering blue lightning as his lifeless head stared at me in fear which made me giggle.
The sensation of euphoria flooded my being as I consumed every last spark of power that once surged through Grodd's body. My power had once again begun to multiply while all of my physical capabilities began to enhance.
"Now... It's time for you."
I said while looking at the monitor that had the arrogant face of Thawn spread all over it. He had harmed my student... I wouldn't take that lightly.
As I ran through the city, I realized that Grodd made good on his word. All inmates that were once running amuck were back in their cells at Iron heights while all civilians were now rational once more. They were unconscious for the most part with a few of them looking lost and confused, but that was just to be expected.
I noticed that by absorbing Grodd, my perception had increased far grander from its former version. The people moved about 8 times as slowly compared to before the incident. I had made great improvements and would only make more after I snatched away Thawne's speed like how he had intended on doing with me.
Before I went on to make my assault on Thawne, I made sure to bring all that were injured to hospitals nearby, which didn't take nearly as long as I would have thought. In 1 minute, I relocated 600,000 of those who were injured in the riots to CCER for treatment and medical aid. I took a mental note to check my top speed when I got the time. Right now, of course, I didn't.
"This is my fault. How could this have Possibly been my fault!"
At this point, Barry had enough. The word that came out of Thawne's mouth was absolutely absurd.
"Ha... I said what I needed to say, Barry."
Thawne then walked over to a nearby wall and waited.
All of a sudden, all of the dust in the area was swept away as a figure running at ludicrous speed came bolting in with a trail of white and black lightning following him imposingly.
Although it took Barry longer than usual to process because his speed had been stolen, he analyzed that the person before him who came to save the day was none other than his teacher who was sliding in like a car that was drifting.
With the muffled speed force sonic boom echoing through the particle chamber, the two women who had been knocked unconscious awoke out of their slumber.
From the sidelines, Thawne looked on in anger and frustration. Omen arriving at such a time was not within the realm of his expectations.
Thawne twitched his nose and frowned.
But the man known as Omen paid him no mind.
Why? Because he was far too furious. One of his two friends that he had made during his duration being a SuperHero lay dead before him with his entrails ripped out and his eyes still open.
As his fists were balled up, white and black bolts of electricity began to pulsate off of his being, creating a terrifying aura that was the visible direction of his mental state.
Omen, not even acknowledging Thawne, walked up to Barry with powerful footsteps that embodied the presence of a raging monarch.
The two women who had finally arisen from their slumbers looked toward the man and instinctively backed away.
The very air around the man vibrated violently as if reality itself was being warped.
Arriving on the scene after destroying Gideon's mainframe, my heart began to burn.
Trying as hard as I could to maintain my composure after seeing Cisco with his guts ripped out, I kneeled down meeting Barry's eyes with my own.
"What happened?"
"Right when you left to fight the shark, Cisco sent me an alarm to my phone alerting me that there was danger down here... When I got in... I saw him dead on the floor... By the time I turned around, I saw Wells... No... Eobard Thawne standing right next to me with a strange device that he stabbed me with..."
Barry held his father's hand tightly as the fresh memories began to replay in his head.
"Whatever he stabbed me with, it knocked me out and took away my Speed. By the time I woke up, my Dad was here right in front of me... alive... and free..."
Barry's lip began to quiver with unadulterated rage and hatred.
"That was when he shoved his fist through my dad's chest and killed him."
"Did he put his hands on you too?"
"Yeah... after he took my speed, he beat me over and over again until I could barely walk."
"Give me your hand."
Without question, Barry did as I commanded.
Reaching into my pocket, I handed him the flash drive.
"You're gonna need this later. Keep it safe with your life."
Turning around, for the first time since my arrival, I looked at Thawne.
"It looks like my hairy son was too unreliable to finish the job... how unfortunate."
Reaching into his suit, he then pulled out a strange needle-looking device that had yellow electricity running through a strange cylinder.
"Well... No matter, Mr. anomaly. I'll just be taking your-"
Before he could say another sentence...
Before he could say another syllable...
Before he could breathe he could another breath...
Before he could think of another thought...
My right arm tore through his suit, split his flesh, crumbled his bone, smashed his organs, and disintegrated his spine. My strike pierced all the way through the other side of his body, melting through the steel support beam Thawne had been standing in front of. Not only that, but the entire building shook upon impact.
Thawne looked at me with shock as blood erupted from his mouth.
Retracting my helmet, I stared him down as the life in his eyes slowly started to slip away.
"I guess I miscalculated. haha."
Thawne smiled while blood leaked down his face.
"I... didn't know that..."
"You had it in you..."
"Well, I did."
Thawne's eyes then drifted off into the abyss.
Snatching the Tachyon Device he had in his hand, I stabbed his neck, sucking away all of the particles he stole and more.
Glowing pure white electricity was captured inside the tiny canister. Retracting my arm from the dead thawne, I looked at his body in disgust.
Using my own lightning, I evaporated the blood on my arm.
Kicking Thawne's corpse in the face, I shattered his teeth and walked left, making my way back to Barry who hadn't taken his eyes off of his father.
Looking up, Barry had eyes of gloom.
His father was his everything. He was the reason why he had such a strong sense of justice... He had dreamt of one day clearing Henry's name for the past 15 years... but today... today all of his efforts were for naught.
Not only did he lose his father today, but he also lost his purpose.
"Is he dead?"
Barry then looked at the dead Eobard, and rage began to rear its face once more.
"I wish I was the one to do it... With my own hands. If I could... I'd do the same to all the monsters just like him."
He said with clenched teeth and hot tears falling down his face. His factual expression... It brought me visions of the futures regarding possible versions of Barry where he went down darker paths... I wouldn't allow access to any of them in relation to my student. No... That wasn't what I wanted from him. That wasn't what I was drawn to.
Getting down to one knee, I grabbed Barry by the collar of his suit.
Putting his hand to his face, Barry was shocked at my actions.
"Why would you-"
"You listen to me, right fucking now... what you saw today... That was me. An unhinged-borderline sociopathic-Metahuman with a god complex. That is who I am. And that is who I will be until I finally decide to grow the fuck up. That is not you. So stay in your fucking lane."
"Stay in your motherfuckin lane, Allen!"
My actions caused the 2 traumatized women behind Barry to jump in fear.
Although I tried to hold back as much as possible, I had broken Barry's nose which caused it to bleed profusely.
"I know what he did. But don't dismiss what the man before you did for you. He didn't raise you to talk like that. He didn't raise you to become what you were thinking of becoming when you said that shit just now."
"Neither did Joe."
"Now Joe is outside right now taking care of people, being a hero. The same type of hero that he invisions you of becoming."
Barry looked at the ground.
"I know you're hurt that he's gone now, but you still have a dad that has been raising you while this one has been away. Show some respect and remember the lesson that he and the dead one instilled upon you and make them proud."
"Make me proud."
"If not for me, then..."
I then looked over at my dead friend with a quacking heart. Although we had only known each other for a short time, It felt like we knew each other since childhood. Especially after all the stories we shared about our upbringing... He felt like a brother to me... genuinely.
"For the person who made you that suit... he would have wanted you to be a symbol of hope... not one that people feared."
Barry couldn't hold it anymore... he started to break down crying.
"Take this when you're ready to save people. It's gonna give you your speed back." Taking the vile out of my hands and putting it in his pocket, Barry continued to pour out his emotions. Snow then made her way over and began to do the same while Felicity comforted both parties. Knowing that Barry wasn't alone, I walked over to my friend's dead body.
Shakey lipped, I held his stiff, cold, and dead hand... and as I did, I got flashbacks of all the people I lost in the past that made me feel powerless... This was another one of those moments.
"Damn... I... I remember this shit... it don't feel too good."
My vision became blurry as I tried to hold my tears in... I tried my hardest not to blink... I tried my hardest not to show my weakness... but Cisco pulled it out of me.
"Fuck bro... Fuck..bro... Fuck."
Hot tears started to flow down my face as my hands began to vibrate uncontrollably.
"I'm sorry... I should have just outright told you... I-...I thought it would stay the same. At least this part..."
I started rocking back and forth as memories of Cisco and I played on loop. I remembered us playing video games. The time we got some girls to go on a double date... Even the times when I would go over to his grandmother's house and interact with his family like they were my own... Without his help, I wouldn't have even bothered learning Spanish.
Trying to smile, remembering the good, more tears came pouring out. I remember the time that he and I got inducted into Scientology for a week as a joke... I remembered the time that he and I went fishing with his brother and grandpa... I remembered so much... Then I remembered that I would never be able to get that time back.
At the moment, I hadn't realized it, But every strand of hair was standing up on my body. Electricity began to pulsate violently. To others looking at me, they saw a figure that looked to be shifting in and out of existence... But I couldn't pay attention to that. I couldn't be bothered.
Omen and Cisco's friendship was as tight as a vice grip. Losing him, Omen felt a hole in his heart.
When Omen and Cisco began to get closer as friends, They would mingle quite often. In the beginning, Omen had always noticed a strange sense of vertigo that overcame him. It was the same sensation he felt when he had first arrived in the CW universe. Since nothing had ever come out of it, Omen decided that it was best to ignore it. He felt the same sensations as other speedsters, but when in the presence of Cisco, the feeling was amplified tenfold.
Because Cisco and Ome Got along quite well, It was enough for Omen to overlook the sensation... But now, while he was in a great state of distress, the feeling was attacking him stronger than ever before.
As he rocked back and forth attempting to comfort himself, others observing saw him vibrating at such a frequency that it looked like he had been possessed by a paltriest.
His friends attempted to get his attention but to no avail. They tried to scream as loud as they could. They didn't attempt to approach because strange black lightning was disintegrating everything it touched.
Barry was in a panic. He didn't want to lose any more people today. Injecting himself with his once stolen speed, the Speed Force beckoned to his call once more.
This time, Instead of the orange and yellow lightning that always surrounded him, the one that now followed matched that of his mentors and sang with power.
As Barry approached Omen at speeds that were faster than he ever thought possible, he was flung back at tens of times faster than the speed of sound.
Even though the impact that sent him flying would have normally killed him, he was now far stranger than in the past. Adapting quickly, Barry got to his feet once more, determined to save his friend.
No matter how hard he tried, the barrier that surrounded Omen was just far too strong.
Over and over again to no avail, Barry failed.
He tried to phase through the barrier, but that only resulted in flinging him back further.
Running so fast that his Speed Aura couldn't protect his bones, he ran and ran.
As Barry had failed once more, a strange phenomenon occurred above omen.
A strange white portal manifested over the head of his mentor.
'What is that?' Barry panicked.
Failing again and again, Barry didn't stop trying, even as he saw Omen's body beginning to be pulled in by the portal.
As I held Cisco's hand, I began to contemplate how I was going to break the news to his family.
Just imagining the look on his mother's face put a crack in my heart. If I was in pain, then how would she feel after finding out her favorite son was dead?
wiping the tears to my face, I realized that a strange white portal was pulling me upwards.
'What's going on?'
Attempting to gain composure I tried to plant myself on the ground... The problem was, for some odd reason, I couldn't move and was locked in place.
Letting go of Cisco as I noticed it was only me being dragged, I looked around and realized that I couldn't see anything or anyone... and slowly, as I was being lifted into the air, Cisco began to disappear as well.
I didn't know why, but as Cisco fell to the ground, I felt a painful sensation in my head, as if being zapped by lightning, but physical pain was dulled by my distress.
Snapping my head from my left to my right, I was in a completely different headspace now. My vision had turned completely dark with nothing else in sight.
I tried to take control over my molecules... but nothing would work... I felt like a fish out of water.
'Shit... I guess I'm leaving then... I hope they stay safe.'
As my entire body was consumed and I was pulled through the strange wormhole, I realized all I could do was wait until I arrived at the other side. I didn't know where I was about to pop up, but I began to think quickly.
On a podium, a handsome muscular man in a blue costume with red a cape stood observing the onlooker before him.
The man had a large S emblem on his chest which stood out to all those below.
"I have something to announce to the world, and I want you all to pay attention to the sincerity in my voice."
All of the press before him began to take pictures and whispered amongst themselves, shaking with anticipation.
"I do not regret killing The Joker.... But there are those who continue to-"
Above the crowd, a strange rift opened up in the sky that looked as if it would swallow all below it.
Instantly, fight or flights instincts took control over the crowd.
"What is that?!"
Children screamed while reporters trampled over one another.
This was not any of their first times seeing something as reality being as a portal in the sky. From their past experiences, they had to make sure it wasn't their last.
"It's an invasion!"
"Superman help!"
Superman had been preparing all day for this speech. Rather than shocked or scared like the people beneath him, he was frustrated.
Looking at the end of the tunnel, I realized there was a crowd of people beneath me. The problem was, I was still immobile and was blazing down at Mach 35.
While screaming at the top of my lungs trying not to urinate myself, I summoned as much Speed Aura as I could. My abilities were finally able to come back under my control.
I screamed at the crowd below, but it was futile.
Moving at such speeds, there was no way in hell they could understand what I was saying.
No one could unless they were comparable to me in terms of speed.
The civilians could just barely see a tiny black dot in the sky. The only signal that they had the time to process was the portal in the sky.
As I was getting closer and closer and more of my form began to be revealed signaled by the shocked eyes that locked on to me.
As they had just barely been able to process what was going on with me, I was experiencing a similar situation.
All of a sudden, a red and blue blur appeared in the corner of my eye. A blur? Something that I couldn't perceive? How was that even possible?
As these thoughts finished, I was shaken to my core.
I was perturbed. I was confused. I was lost. How did I end up here? Where was here? And why was this person here?
"Who are you and why are you here on earth?"
The man was able to speak at speeds that were relativistic to my own. I only knew 1 other person who could do that, and I had mentored him… but this man was definitely not him.
"I don't know who are, but I suggest you answer my questions?"