High Expectations

The sound of their heavy paws pounding on the ground should've brought this body to its knees—It was almost funny how much things changed when I simply looked at them differently.

I was not going to allow them to go after her, even with my shield still on her. The thought of werewolves trying to hunt her down was not something I wanted to deal with. Not now, not ever.

My General was a brave monster, and a proud one at that. I couldn't help but look forward to seeing what she could accomplish— My expectations were high.

I never got to ask her how she found and recognized me, but that was okay. Her desire to prove herself worthy of leading my army should be enough for both of us until some other arrangement is made.

She did well.

I got to deliver the orders I wanted to reach Anchorage, and my shield that was over her was all the proof she needed to convince anyone who questioned her.