The Source

She stayed next to me until midnight.

I kept tabs on her until she reached Emma's house, only then was I able to focus on my brother and what I had to do next for him.

The moon loomed large over my head, constantly looking over my shoulder. I didn't appreciate the light; darkness had become more to my taste now. I was becoming a true creature of the night, nocturnal.

Hollywood was on to something after all.

Elizabeth was almost a different person entirely now, and so, her earlier words that I recalled seemed like they happened in a different lifetime. But I needed to hear them now more than ever, I was running low on time.

'If you wanted answers, you would've demanded them out of the minds of anyone in this city,' she said. That was back then when we didn't know I could play around with time and space. Objectively speaking, I should be able to demand answers from the mind of anyone. Period.