Fucking Everyone Up

30 advance chapters in my Pat.reon. Pat.reon.com/Saintbarbido.

Please gimme 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 Your Powerstones people.

So I'm not fully back. I just felt bad leaving you guys on a cliffhanger.


(General P.O.V)

White flames washed over the horrific looking angel-demon hybrids.

"Darken catch!"

The White Shadow's Saber streaked through the air, getting neatly snatched by Darken, who drove it through the hybrid aiming to rip her apart from the back. Dark spikes shot out from her shadows to tear through three more Hybrids, just as White Shadow flashed forward and jumped.

Superion felt him charge towards his position and immediately turned to meet him. Only for the villain who had been giving the junior team a lot of problems, to speed past him and release a ball of white flames at the numerous hybrids that had just poured out of the crypts on the left side of the Castle. The blast of white flames took out the whole group, leaving behind ashes and the left section of the castle grounds destroyed.

The White Shadow turned to stare at Superion.

"You're welcome."

Superion snorted and rose up into the air with a shroud of red covering him. He pointed his hands towards another flying group of Hybrids and released a psionic blast that battered them off the air to splatter against the castle walls and windows.

"A simple thank you would have been enough, you know."

The White Shadow muttered, turning to get rid of more Hybrids. A few minutes later and the castle grounds were empty of the chaos creatures.

Wonder Woman turned to The White Shadow with her Lasso held in her hands.

"Speak. What are you doing here?"

She enquired, her muscles shifting in readiness.

Darken walked to The White Shadow's side while Superion hovered beside Wonder Woman, ready to attack at any sign of aggression from the two villains present.

"Relax, they're not dumb enough to attack us in here. That said...be ready for anything."

A telepathic communication passed between the two villains.

"Well, curiousity mostly."

The White Shadow answered.


Superion cut in.

"Wow...I had no idea the Wallflower could curse. All you do is just...stand there or in this case levitate and brood."

"Enough of this. We have more important matters to deal with."

Wonder Woman decided to cut the questioning short because she knew getting a straight answer from him was not worth it. Infact...he reminded her of someone. She shook her head to get rid of the distracting thoughts.

"Can we count on you not to stab us in the back while we try to save the people trapped in here?"

Wonder Woman directly asked, not paying heed to the look of surprise that Superion threw her way.

"A truce then?" The White Shadow earnestly asked.

Upon the Amazon's nod he added, "Very well."


The mood eased as most of the tension drained out. As a collective they all turned to face the Castle.

"Now wh..."

The White Shadow instantly broke apart into blue motes of light, leaving the other three behind and alone.

(Aden's P.O.V)

Apollo was still drying up, streams of golden divine energy disappearing off into the darkness to be absorbed by me. I could feel as he valiantly struggled to pull himself out, even going as far as trying to breach reality and teleport out.

"All your efforts are futile Olympian."

The thought speared past his panic to hit him with a fresh round of despair. A slow silent chuckle escaped out of me.

'And soon they shall wallow in their own weakness as well.'

I thought as the Apokaliptian ships descended low enough that I could feel their energy signatures. Big flash lights shone down at me, getting devour in my potent darkness. So I decided to make it easy for them and show them where I was. I swung out my hand.


The ship closest to me was suddenly tugged towards the ground. The engines started working in full force to push away from my force. Another smile broke out from my face. I reduced the effects of pull from targeting the whole ship to a smaller area. With an inaudible screech, metal started detaching and breaking apart from the ship.

The parts cut through the air to come and rotate around me in a tornado of circuitry, metal pieces and engine shards. Digging deeper into the ship, a swarm of parademons flew out, in small pieces, blood and flesh streaming across the vacuum to join my tornado and before long, I had the whole ship disassembled around me. Nothing was spared.

In unison, the other craft's weapon systems begun to bombard my position with different attacks. Red energy blasts emptied out of huge futuristic barrels, intent on destroying me and leaving my body ash floating in the vacuum of that dead rock.


A purple field of chaos aura extended out a little to cover my immediate surroundings. The energy blasts that made it closer to my field at a distance of 10 meters all turned to formless energy that I dispersed. I didn't see a reason to absorb it like I was doing with Apollo's divinity. Speaking of which, the god of the sun only had at most 6 more minutes to live. 6 more minutes and I would have his divinity in my hands. I already had ideas on how I could use it.

There was a pause from the weapon systems as they witnessed the unlikely scenario of me not only dispersing their attacks but also making it look so easy it was a blatant insult.

The hatches on the ships opened up and thousands of parademons flew out. Ugly, tall, winged humanoids with heavily built and imposing figures. They had three digits on each hand, which were also clawed. They were clad head to toe in golden armor, with helmets that had hornlike protrusions that covered most of their heads save for the mouth, exposing their sharp teeth. Their armor also had numerous glowing red highlights, including an omega at the center of the chest.

To complete the menacing look, a pair of ribbed wings on their backs, which they could retract seamlessly in a flash of light. Wordless screeches escaped their mouths in their charge towards me.


Digging deeper within me, I accessed the next ability afforded by my chaos form. And. It. Was. Glorious! I spread my legs apart in a horse stance, my hands moving around the low gravity of the moon in an hypnotic motion. I brought them closer to my hips and shoved them out at my opponents turned guinea pigs


The name of the ability was unimpressive but the effect was mind-blowing.

A funnel of massive formless purple energy rippled out of my palms, blowing away a little bit of darkness as it fell upon the para demons and the Apokaliptian ships, denting and ripping them apart. Wherever the wave passed, everything in its path was shoved away to the sides and further back by the shinra tensei rip off. The only difference was that, my chaos attack destroyed everything wantonly. Energy and matter were all the same. And that was also it's disadvantage as well as it's selling point. The attacks were too dangerous and out of control.

Almost half of the Apokaliptian crafts were destroyed. 'Steppenwolfe must be shitting his pants right now'. I thought in amusement. I wonder what he'll do now. Especially given the fact that I was just getting started. I closed the boom tube supplying me with oxygen and breathed in... feeling my whole being, get suffused by the chaos gathered as a by product of my attack... Damn...I could absorb chaos and use it to fuel my body functions? Now we're fucking talking!!

But even as I realized the advantage of such an ability, it came with downsides as well. Chaos could not be controlled, not really. Fuck those flowery words, cultivation geniuses throw around about void and chaos cultivation bullshit. If you could truly control it then it ceased to be chaos. The classic case of having your cake and eating it too.

What I was aiming for was focus and in the future, a check and balance between the two opposing extremes as I tried to achieve a way to remain a keeper of balance even in the case of the eventual entropy. But now the biggest hurdle I had to overcome was not taking in too much chaos and destroying the world.

Order...grated at my nerves and the best and worst example of that order was humanity or any sentient creature really. Why? Because they all liked to pretend that I didn't exist. That I wasn't the DRIVING FORCE BEHIND EVERYTHING!!!! THEY LIVED A FARCE AND I WILL HELP SHOW THEM TRUE UNFILTERED CHAOS...

Ah shit...now I'm bored with this whole thing. Thinking about such heavy topics made me lose any interest in continuing this charade with the Apokaliptians. I felt more than saw one very powerful energy signature jump out of the ship, aiming to split me apart with the axe in his hands.

I ignored him in favor of raising up my hands. With it, tentacles of darkness speared out of the pool of dark surrounding everything on the surface of the moon, twining and twisting themselves upon the last of the ships present before dragging them to the void. The traces of panic from some of the new god crew members faded away, their will to live sucked out of them by the void. A different energy reserve started filling up quickly.

I held up a hand and grabbed Steppenwolfe's axe blade, with barely a strain. His muscles rippled with effort underneath the chain link like armor that clad his form. He was huge. The Darkseid commander looked insane with rage and fear. For who, I had no idea. Darkseid did not tolerate failure and what had happened here would be considered nothing but failure. I on the other hand...well I was the cause.

"Tell me something Steppenwolfe, do you know the true meaning of chaos?" My eyes took on a red glow, making contact with his.

"It's madness."

"What are you?!!!"

His mind cried out in desperation as the chaos stare, drove him to the very depths of madness. Formless chaos, ever changing yet never changing. A contrast that was as disorderly as it should have been.

I swiped out my hand and cut off his head. Given that I could now hijack the signal of another boom tube opened close to me ( a new ability) , a small boom tube appeared before me leading to where the Apokaliptian ships had come from. Apokalips. Without wasting time, I threw Steppenwolfe's head in. It would raise some questions, make Darkseid stew a little and when they were sufficiently wound up tight...I would swoop in and murder their asses.

Now it was back to a much needed family reunion. Which was also the reason that I hadn't increased the rate at which I siphoned out Apollo's divinity. I needed a way inside Olympus to get rid of this whole issue once and for all.

Her arrival was announced by a massive golden glowing arrow, aimed at my heart. The eternal maiden sure was ruthless. My hand intercepted the projectile only to feel it explode in my hands. The energy was promptly absorbed into my divinity energy bank without truly harming me.

"Well well well. Seems like someone cares about their brother. I wonder, did you come here out of familial affection or did old scraggly beard send you, Artemis."

I asked her. She levitated at a distance of 500 meters away, looking like an ice queen. Wasted beauty to me. The response I got was millions of arrows all occupying my field of view.

"Damn... going all out from the beginning? Smart."