Let Him Come.


Oh my god guys, I can't believe we've made it this far. Before Aden Strong, my longest book was Power Trumps All at only 73 chapters but now we're actually at 200? That's crazy. And to be honest, there's a lot more that we haven't covered.

Now I know my pacing is slower as compared to my previous works but don't worry about that too much. Aden has only been here for 6 months, yet so much has already happened.

In the future there will be a very long time skip, something close to 10 years actually so yeah. It's going to be a treat writing that. I don't have much planned for chapter 200 but I hope you all enjoy the next crazy arc we are about to tackle.

Finally, I want to thank you all for sticking around.


30 advance chapters in my Pat.reon. Pat.reon.com/Saintbarbido.

Please gimme 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 Your Powerstones People.


(Aden's P.O.V)


Poseidon boomed out, his yell shaking the whole building.

"She is but a mortal! Only a demi-god!"

Hera was quick to add in outrage.

"What is happening?! What the fuck is happening!!"

Aaand it seems I broke Dionysus whose mutterings were filled with jealousy.

Athena's eyes were pools of rage. A rage that threatened to consume all under it's might. She visibly swallowed her anger and glared at me.

"Diana has other responsibilities to cater for in the mortal world, she is not a fit replacement."

Athena voiced her opinion, looking as if she'd eaten something bitter.

"Yes! Yes! She's part of ah...ah what do you call it??! Justice Legion! She cannot be the Sky Father! That's Dad's job!"

Dionysus shouted.

"No one really cares for your opinion Dionysus." I bluntly replied, making the god of drunkness and insanity sputter.

"And the same goes to the rest of you." I laughed.

"The deal was made and from what I see, I didn't stray from the requirements needed. Diana is the daughter of Zeus, champion of Olympus and on top of that, she is a god now as well."

I looked at the person in question who was shocked to silence.

"Furthermore out of everyone here, barring Hestia you're all crazy, Sorry Persephone." I added but she waved me off with a giggle.

"I fell in love with my kidnapper. Trust me, I got a few screws loose."

"Nothing like a woman with that much self awareness."

I complimented.

"Are you flirting with me?" She coyly shot back.

"My husband would probably not like that."

"Yeah Hades does not seem like the type to share. One thing I can say though...he has great tastes."

Darken bit back a groan.

"I heard that."

I told her telepathically.

"You're the worst."

I chuckled a little while turning to address Diana about the little mental conversation going on between her uncle and Hera.

"Diana, it seems you will have to stop a coup for your first task as the Skyfather...Skymother?" I shrugged.


Zeus rose up from his throne.

"Who is conspiring against my daughter?!"

His aura was no less diminished despite the fact that he was now just a regular major god.

"Sit down, you fool. For long I have entertained your arrogance and ineptitude. No longer!"

Poseidon similarly got up, brandishing his Trident with a pulse of his godly power. Thunder started roaring from the heavens.

"Poseidon, you mongrel. You have always detested me for the fact that I sat on the throne. When will you let it go?!"

"Because you were never fit to be king!" Poseidon yelled.

"We suffered for years in his belly while you were off galavanting with Metis! You were free! And only when tensions started brewing between the Titans did you take the chance to strike! You are nothing more than a self entitled, selfish god who only thinks with his dick!!"

They were going to come to blows. I could see it. It was already a forgone conclusion, yet...


One word from Wonder Woman and the tumultuous clash of divine energy stalled. One word and two of the strongest gods, forgot their anger at each other. One word that was accompanied by a wholesome divine aura. I smiled knowing she had accepted her role.

Diana underwent a change. Her star spangled uniform shifted as plates of golden armor covered her, extending to form a chest armor and skirt. The shield on her back changed shape into a diamond form. Then it reduced, growing smaller to the size of a plate strapped between her shoulder blades. The god killer sword under the shield lengthened, the cross guard perfectly melding with the diamond shield with an audible metallic clang.

On her forehead a crown that fell to frame her cheeks, highlighting them in a regal air manifested. Her glabella flashed with golden light before the symbol of a shield appeared. Her power doubled, then tripled and increased a couple more times before settling. I whistled. As she was now, she had me dwarfed in all physical parameters in my chaos form and normal form. I could still beat her but that wasn't saying much when my Weaknesses were her strengths.

Of course Chaos was unpredictable and 10 times out of 10, she would lose to me in my chaos form. Still...the gods who were most vocal about Diana not having the prerequisite requirements to take over looked on in shock as she floated to the previous throne of Zeus.

Her size dramatically increased to the god's sizes. She was now cresting at 10 meters. Her hands trailed across the frame of the throne as she breathed in, melding herself with the the power of the Sky Father. Her dignified aura spread out. Despite being surrounded by enemies, Hera and Athena on both sides, Diana looked like she belonged where she sat. The whole hall resonated with her breath. And the entire Olympian realm accepted her as the new god queen.

"All hail, Diana of Themyscira, goddess of heroes, the Skymother of the Olympian deities!"

Hestia announced, bowing and all of us heard the chorus from the city of gods set below the temples of the major Olympians.

"Hail! Hail! Hail!"

Athena looked livid as one by one, the major gods starting with Demeter got off their thrones and bowed to her.

Athena's anger aside, Hera looked furious, Zeus looked resigned yet...oddly happy? Poseidon seemed wrathful, Apollo kept his face carefully blank except for a slight smile, Artemis looked on with a sneer, Hermes had a grave face as he bowed, Dionysus was scared at the turn of events and tried to shrink away, Persephone gave her a thumbs up, Haephestus was expressionless except for a thoughtful expression on his face, Aphrodite was looking at me...not interested in you, you psycho and lastly, Superion and Darken copied the gods and bowed down.

Vaatu however did not. I smiled knowing why. Upon noticing the looks directed his way, he cleared his throat.

"Forgive me dear sister, but I only bow to one being."

With that statement, of course every eye turned to me. I sighed and shrugged in a 'what can you do?' way.

"Hail goddess Diana." I praised. "I have a feeling that your rule is going to be fraught with entertainment."

I laughed a little at the way she narrowed her eyes at me.

"Leave us."

Diana ordered the entire hall.

"Are you sure that is the right thing to do, dear sister?"

Apollo wondered, saying what was in everyone's mind. I did not for a minute forget that I was still an enemy. They were certainly right in worrying though. The hall was the most vulnerable place. If I destroyed the thrones then they were done for. Of course this was also a ploy by Diana to see who opposed her and agreed with her. It was a wise move.

"I will be fine. Everyone. Leave."

Hestia bowed and retreated in a wash of flames, followed by Persephone, Hermes, Demeter and Haephestus. Though a card with his symbol of the forge drifted through the air to me.

I pocketed it with a smile. Haephestus and I could create some good shit. I had a feeling it was going to be the start of a good relationship. Aphrodite threw me a kiss and then unravelled into rose petals. A breathtaking scent hit my nostrils and I shook my head to get rid of the bombardment of NSFW thoughts running around my mind.

I looked at Vaatu as he motioned to me to let him leave. Probably to go after Demeter. We were going to have a conversation soon about that. I gave him a thumbs up and he smiled in excitement, flying away towards the temples.

Back to the hall, I noted the thrones that were still occupied and frowned a little. So, just about who I expected. With these gods disobeying her first order, Diana now knew who supported her ruling and who didn't. She looked around at Poseidon, Hera, Athena, Zeus, Apollo, Artemis and Dionysus.

"I asked you all to leave."

Wonder Woman softly intoned.

"A foolish request. Why would we leave the hall of the gods unprotected in the face of an enemy?"

Hera reasoned.

"Um sorry to interrupt but I have two answers for you. One, I'm stronger than all of you combined. Even if I wanted to do something to your thrones, none of you could stop me and two, we talked about this man, I don't want anymore conflict with you guys. That's why I picked the best candidate to replace Zeus."

Hera fumed but could do nothing because all I had said was true.

"Everyone, you all heard my daughter. We are leaving."

Zeus ordered in a laughable attempt to still exert his influence. They listened though, which showed that in the eyes of the rest, Diana was still not the leader. She was going to have to change that.

A boom tube appeared next to Superboy and Darken.

"The portal will take you to an alley behind a popular Fro-yo shop in L.A."

Superboy soared a glance at Wonder Woman tightened his hand into a fist, a stubborn set to his shoulders.

"I am not leaving her alone with you, Aden."

I rolled my eyes.


I called.

"It's alright Superion, I can handle this. Report back to the Watchtower and give them a run down of everything that has occured."

He considered it for a few more minutes before giving a curt nod and walking through the portal.

Darken threw one final glance my way.

"I'll meet you at the base?"

She projected the thought through our mental link.

"Yeah. Don't wait up too long for me though, I might be here a while."

The portal disappeared with them, leaving Diana and I to stare at each other through Hestia's hearth.


Diana wondered. There was confusion, resignation and curiosity in that one word.

"Because you walk the line between god and mortal Diana. Because you know the pain of humans and the splendor of gods. Two very different beings. Because you will not favor one and neglect the other."

She pondered the answer, closing her eyes briefly. She didn't want to completely believe me. Which was smart actually. I was hiding something. The real reason why I chose Diana was because of one thing. Her divinity.

gods are slaves to their divinity. She was the goddess of heroes and I was hoping that influence bled into a job as the Chairman of the Justice League. Through that, the League could change into something worth using. Diana had only ever been opposed to Killing villains because that was what the Justice League stood for.

But now with her new domain influencing her actions and my being there to take advantage of every action...well my future plans were all but guaranteed to work.

"Poseidon is not going to let this go."

Wonder Woman stated.

"None of that last group will, so you will have to win the coming war. He will no doubt challenge you soon."

Wonder Woman's eyes flashed.

"Let him come."