Vs Shredder Final Part

30 advance chapters in my Pat.reon. Pat.reon.com/Saintbarbido.

Gimme your Powerstones people

Match-> Vor-El


(General P.O.V)

The target was getting away.

Shredder could feel the compulsion from the deal he had made with the Fifth dimension being acting upon his very being. Fortunately he had tagged Luthor's soul and could find him right after he dealt with the rubble around him.

"Malah, our business is at an end here. Let us depart." The Brain decided, slinking into the portal.

"It is unfortunate we could not go through with Luthor's demise, but now he knows. Now he knows."

Malah spared a long look at the Turtles fighting the last of their enhanced animals and grunted before following after his partner.

Raphael was up against a buffalo with carapace armor across it's huge body while Mickey and Donny faced off against a long king Cobra that sought to sink it's fangs into them.

"They're getting away!"

Raph said flipping over the buffalo, causing it to crash into the giant Kobra, initiating a fight between them. Raph headed towards the portal, before Donny grabbed his hand and pulled him away.

"Raph! Leo needs us!"

The Sai wielding ninja hesitated before following after his brothers.

The air between the last two figures in combat was supercharged with barely held back aggression.

"Are you prepared for your death?"

Shredder asked, blades shooting out of the braces strapped to his wrists. Chi cracked along the length of the 2 pairs of sharp weapons.

The White Shadow held out a hand and a Saber appeared in his hands. This was a fight he had to take seriously.

"Don't Intervene."

The telepathic words slammed into the minds of the teenage mutant ninja turtles.

"Tch! Get out of our heads!"

Raphael spat out, gripping his Sais tightly and glaring at The White Shadow.

Donny and Mikey shared a glance.

"We're falling back."

Donny voiced with Mikey adding quickly before Raph could go off.

"Leo's hurt and that guy looks like he can handle Shredder. It's what Master Splinter would want us to do."

Raph rounded up to them in fury.

"Well he ain't here is he?"

The other two looked as if they had been struck by the callous words.


Mikey trailed off.

"Yeah whatever. Let's fall back."

Raph hoisted Leo by the shoulders.

"Grab his weapons."

He instructed and started running off, careful not to jostle him too much.

"Yeah okay."

Mikey said at Raphael's retreating figure. Donny patted his shoulder.

"He's just stressed and tired. We all are."

Mikey spared a glance at the final two figures standing in the middle of the wrecked dock and sighed. He hoped they were making the right decision. He turned and ran after Donny.

Police sirens sounded out from afar, headed to where they were. The White Shadow knew he didn't have a lot of time and so elected to finish this fast.

One step and the ground cracked. By the second foot fall, he was rounding up on Shredder's blind side. The saber streaked through the barely visible night air and slammed onto the steel claws. He pulled the Saber back using the momentum from the clash and blocked the heavy retaliation.

His feet dragged on the ground as Shredder's form seemed to bulk up.

"It has been eons since I walked this land human. Entertain me!"

Green flames started burning on the steel claws. Shredder yelled and jumped at the shorter man. His kick was evaded, leaving a crack on the ground from where The White Shadow rolled away.

The black saber flashed out in a stab aimed for the Shredder's foot, only for him to hastily stumble back. The White Shadow grunted and pulled in closer to his opponent. This proved dangerous as the steel claws shot out of the braces, narrowly missing his chest while he neatly flipped back.

The shredder pulled his hand back and the steel claws stabbing into the containers flew back towards him.

Metal clashed upon metal in a relentless battle for weapon dominance. The White Shadow deflected, moved in and launched deliberating attacks that more times than not landed on the armor across Shredder's body.

Shredder on the other side swung out his weapons in skill cultivated over centuries. The only thing saving The White Shadow from a dangerous blow being his nimble and agile movements. In one particular instance, the White Shadow's back hit the container behind him and immediately spun out of the way. Green flames that looked distinctly like the ones his main body could wield spilled onto the side of the container and melted it.

The fight entered a lull as both of them stopped attacking, taking measure of the other.

"I could have asked you to join me human. You seem fairly strong." Shredder stated.

"However, this is where it ends for you."

Shredder's feet stood apart as demonic chi ten times more than what The White Shadow had felt before, roiled inside him.

"Witness my full power."

The White Shadow narrowed his eyes.

"If you think I'm just going to stand here and watch you power up..." A dangerous smile worked its way across his face.

"You've got another thing coming."

His long black hair stood up on it's ends, a white color filled his eyes with streaks of lightning cladding his form.

Then he was off. The smell of ozone filled the air followed by a blast of white energy crackling out to the sky.

The light was so intense it made the turtles pause in shock.

"Whoa...so powerful."

"Mikey! Stop stalling. We need to move and find a place to hold up."

Raph ordered but even he was inwardly shocked by the display of power.

A wave of formless energy finally hit them from the docks. The wind picked up and swept through the roof they were standing on. All electricity went out in a few blocks around close proximity to the docks before coming back after a few seconds.

"We need to go back. Make sure he's alright. Shredder is..."

"Not the priority Donny. You're the one who said we needed to get Leo some place safe." Raphael narrowed his eyes.

"That hasn't changed. Let's go. We're far from home so getting help in case something goes bad is going to be harder."

Before Donny could refute, Leo groaned. The rest stared at one another and hardened their hearts.

On an a rooftop a distance away, the Red Arrow narrowed his eyes at the Four Turtles. The darkness cast by the structures on the rooftop detached and stepped into the light. Cheshire's mask appeared next to Red Arrow.

"They're well trained. It's in how they walk."

Red Arrow said nothing.

"Aww and I thought a mission with only the two of us would be fun."

Red Arrow blinked and notched an arrow on his bow, aiming for where the four turtles were.

"I have them in my sights."

He reported to Cheshire.

"Take the shot."

The veteran assassin ordered.

The arrow whisked through the air towards Mikey's back. Before it could plunge through his shell, the shaft detached and fell off, leaving behind a small tracker that blended perfectly with Mikey's scales. He felt a brief pressure before looking back curiously.

"Mikey come on."

Donatello called after him.

"Good job Hotshot. See you around. Broken Arrow."

Cheshire immediately disappeared and left behind a suddenly confused Red Arrow.

"What was I..."

He looked around before setting his eyesight on the docks.

"Oh yeah. I was investigating the weird flashes of light coming from the docks, covering for Superion while he's been away. Better make it there before whoever's responsible goes away."

He started running along the rooftops, occasionally swinging across buildings and within a short time, was overlooking a devasted scene. Charred remains of containers and dark smoke filled the area, drifting lazily to the sky. There wasn't... couldn't be anything alive down there.

Red Arrow knew what this meant. The trail had grown cold. Maybe the Watchtower would have better luck by pulling up satellite imagery on what had happened here. The police were cordoning off the place so left with nothing else to do, Red Arrow departed.

(Elsewhere) (Elemental Dimension)

The White Shadow's feet scrunched on the sands of the misty hollow lands as he landed. The boom tube was wide enough that all the members of the foot clan dead or alive were similarly deposited all around him. Black oily chains with similar function to the ones holding Black Adam captive, rose up from the ground to bind The Foot mystics.

In his hands, The White Shadow clutched the head of Shredder by the helm, with his body landing a distance away from his feet.

The Shredder's body was twitching. Black tongues of smoke roiled around trying to fix the damage done to him but failing. The White Shadow could feel Shredder's dark soul still tethered to his body by dark magics.

"Realm, analyze, compare and contrast the energy coming off the target. Designate the target as Demonic Chi Entity."

He gave the order.

(Affirmative. Time till completion of directive:- 5 days.)

It could have been even faster if he'd managed to upgrade the realm.

He paused. Huh, why not simply just do it then? While his main body was in deep meditation to advance his abilities, the homunculi puppet could be molded to look like Aden. He could just hop over to Zatara's, grab the MDP and upgrade the realm. Then he could go to the other dimensions he suspected the last Chaos rifts to be at and unravel them all in time to come back and continue his plans with Paige.

He smiled. That sounded good. He concentrated and his features started melting away into someone else. His skin became a few shades darker, his blue eyes shifted to brown and his height increased. He looked over at his body.

The system display still showed he only had access to White flames but that was fine with him. He wasn't going to start a fight after all. He took one last glance at the Foot Clan and disappeared into a boom tube. Soon he would have a need for a warden or someone to deal with organizing a true pecking order in the hollow lands. As they were right now they lacked any real structure and it grated at his order side.

The boom tube opened up on the grounds of a mansion a distance away from Gotham. Before his eyes, the wards lit up with intricate mystical spells woven to restrict any intrusion. One minute he was alone and then the next, the wind picked up and a figure materialized by teleporting in.

Zatara eyed Aden for a few tense seconds before sighing.

"Do you want to come in?"