Rage Of A God Part 1

30 advance chapters in my Pat.reon. Pat.reon.com/Saintbarbido.

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(General P.O.V)

Wonder Woman rose up. With a sudden luminous flash, her usual costume shifted into a silver armor that sent a glow washing out to fill the meeting hall.

Someone gasped.

"What is going on, Diana?"

Batman ground out, his fingers clenching into fists. Wonder Woman closed her eyes. When she opened them, they were cool, indifferent, godly.

"Something I do not have the luxury to explain now. Something I did not want or expect to happen."

She looked at each of her colleague.

"Once I'm back, I will tell you everything. But for now, I am needed elsewhere."

"I don't understand. None of us do. John and Hal just left and you are too?"

Green Arrow slammed his hands on the table.

"You are the Chairman for chrissake. Whatever it is, can't it wait until we are atleast done with one thing?!"

Wonder Woman shook her head.

"I apologize but I must make haste. If Kronos' armies manage to take Olympus then earth will likely be in danger. The god's influence still stretch over this world more than you know." She sighed, her wings stretching out behind her.

"It feels like a betrayal but it is not. We are all fighting the same battle from different fronts."

She read the emotions on their faces and felt a vice grip her heart. Some were looking at her with distrust.


Batman finally stated, before turning his back on her.

"Very well."

Wonder Woman responded.

She then closed her eyes and the symbol of a shield flashed on her Glabella. A golden light spread out of her and filled the room, hitting everyone gathered.

"What...what did you do?"

Batman growled out. His exhaustion left him and his body felt... energized. Strong. Fast.

And he wasn't the only one given the strange expressions of pleasant surprise on the other's faces.

"I am the god of Heroes. What I did was exercise my divinity and enhance you for the coming battle. You are stronger, more durable, faster and your abilities have grown more powerful as well. It will last for as long as you fight."

She turned to Yaotl, leaving behind a shocked room.

"I am ready."

A turquoise fire rose up from Yaotl's feet and consumed them both. Through it all, his panther face never left Starfire. Too bad his siblings were not around. He would have loved to see them.

Starfire noticed his gaze and the question in his eyes.

'Does he know?'

Starfire shook her head with a gentle expression on her face. Yaotl understood what she was asking of him. She was asking him to let her be the one to tell Aden. Yaotl was conflicted. His duty was to the master. But he understood and so he gave a curt nod in response.

Then they disappeared.


"You guys ready?"

Darken asked in from underneath her cloak. The voice sent chills across Mikey's spine. It was totally different from the way she spoke in her civilian identity.


Leo answered for all of them.

"Is this the Crisis you were talking about?"

Raph asked April.

"Mmmmh lemme think. Rogue androids who have hijacked cities across the world and a powerful Villain who is after world domination? Yeah...I think it checks out."

Raph snorted at her answer.

Darken saw her Master motion towards him with his head. She turned to the turtles arming themselves.

"Give me a second guys."

She fiddled with the knives strapped to her hips while walking forward. Aden was still missing.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

Master Ben asked her. Paige took a second to mull over the question. To be honest she would rather be training her skills to get better than being part of the do gooders. But there might not be a world left if she chose to stay out of the fight.

So she gave him a single nod. She hoped it was a confident one.

"Alright." The master nodded.

"If you need anything do not hesitate to say."

"That won't be necessary Master." Paige shook her head.

"You've already done more than enough."

Bronze Tiger narrowed his eyes before nodding as well.

"Take care of yourself."

Paige smiled, her green eyes twinkling.


She turned to the TMNT team.

"Ok guys, hold on to your horses. This might get bumpy."

Darkness started pouring off of her hands. She wasn't used to using this ability that much. Especially with this many people but she understood the urgency.

"So where are you taking us?"

Donny asked.

"Well, who better to save the world with than the experts?"

The darkness billowed out and swallowed them. A second later they appeared before the Justice League headquarters in Washington DC.


The Batwing cut through the air at its highest speeds. Batman was on the cockpit and behind him were The Flash and Green Arrow.

"I still think this is a bad idea. We're most likely walking...well flying into a trap."

Green Arrow grumbled while checking his arrows.

"We don't have a choice."

The Flash said, eating a Snickers bar.

"How can you even eat at a time like this Barry?"

The archer asked the Speedster. The Flash shrugged.

"Gotta keep my energy up if it does actually turn into a trap or else I won't be able to save your collective as..."

"Don't litter."

Batman interrupted him.

"Where's the hospitality Batsy? I thought I was flying first class?"

The Flash joked.

Green Arrow snorted.


The Dark knight informed them, opening communication to the rest of the League members flying to his sides.

"We're pulling up on the target."

From Flash's position, he could see a white and blue cruise ship ahead of them.

"Manhunter, run a cursory mental scan and see if you find anything out of the ordinary."

Batman instructed.

"Copy that."

The Martian complied.

A second later all their minds were linked.

"I detect nothing unusual."

He answered.

"I'll move closer and do a fly by to see what we're dealing with."

Captain Atom offered.

His form pulled on ahead and started doing a winding flight pattern above the ship. The people on the cruise started pointing above at him.

"Nothing but the passengers on board."

He answered.

"We will have to step inside the Cruise ship."

Batman concluded. If there was any other option, he would have taken it. Something was fishy about all this and no it wasn't his well known Paranoia.


Starfire was happy and not. She had gotten what she had wanted but not the way she wanted it.

"Try to avoid escalating the matter. You're only there to protect the kids and ensure Arthur is healed by Sai. After that, it's back to the Surface world. Back to the Watchtower." Black Canary informed them.

The meeting room of the Hub was just a game room outfitted with couches, a big screen and a ping pong table at the corner of the wide area. There were two doors. One which led to the bathroom and the other, a hallway that connected to the kitchen and the living quarters of the team.

"I don't think I need to tell you who your first priority is."

Canary looked at Robin meaningfully.

The Boy Wonder nodded in confirmation.

"If anything happens to the four of them...lord save us all. Star would go ballistic."

Starfire got up.

"It's not me you should be worried about."

Then she walked away. The room behind her was left with an awkward air.

"I'll go talk to her."

Black Canary got up and followed after Starfire.

She found her at her favorite spot. Which was almost everyone's favorite spot as well. The earth lazily floated in mid space infront of them.

"Hey. How are you holding up?"

Canary asked, tentatively.

Starfire opened her mouth to retort then closed it when she saw the concern on Black Canary's face.

"You're basically asking me to willingly put the kids in danger without me being there to protect them."

"They won't be alone. If you can't trust my word, then trust in your teammates. Any of them would rather die than see Sai or the others hurt."

Starfire nodded after a brief hesitation.

"And to be fair you are the one who suggested it in the first place."

Canary softly said before raising her hand to interrupt the younger girl.

"That was before I knew you...

"It's fine."

Canary cut her off.

The Tamaranean sighed.

"I don't like this. I really don't."

Canary went forward and hugged her.

"I know. But it's for your own safety and the baby's."

She felt Starfire stiffen a little in her arms.

"Touchy subject?"

The older woman tentatively enquired.

"No. Not exactly. It's...more like everyone has been walking on eggshells around me for it. It's refreshing to have someone at the very least acknowledge it."

Canary chuckled.

"Well, let me be the first to say, I think you're handling it like a pro."

"Thanks." Starfire pulled away.

"I guess I needed that."

"Recognized Superion 17."

The Watchtower announced through the systems.

"Let's go. That must be Connor with the..."

Canary started.


Starfire highjacked her statement.

The walk back to the meeting hall was calm and comfortable than it had ever been between them before.





The kids mobbed her from all sides. Superion stood on the side watching the whole thing with a small smile on his face.

"Hope they were well behaved?"

Starfire managed to state when she detached herself from the mass hug.

"Ma and Pa loved them to death. They even tried to help out in the farm but of course Pa was insistent they don't."

"Did you guys have fun?"

"Yeah there was a tractor that went tututututu!!!"

Sai said excitedly.

"And we made a scarecrow!"

Vor-El pitched in.

"I made mine fly Greenie!"

Breeze told her with pride coloring her tone.

"That's all well and..."

The alarm begun blaring out in an ominous tone. Black Canary was up and running towards the Meeting Hall with no hesitation.

"Console to Alpha team. Code 00-709, override comm security."

She pressed on her ear piece and tried to communicate with the Leaguers. No one answered.


A horrible feeling gripped her. When she made it back to the meeting hall, she was met with a look of resignation from Robin and the rest.


Miss Martian offered.

The Holo display above the huge table showed something on a loop. The league stepped onto the ship and a second later, there was an explosion that sucked everything into it. The Cruise ship, the ones on it... everyone was gone. Canary firmed her features. She wouldn't allow the Junior Team to notice how shaken up she was.

However, even without saying it, it was clear that things were dire. The Cruise Ship had been a trap and the League was now missing.