No Takebacks

30 advance chapters in my Pat.reon.

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Chapter 238 No Take Backs.

(Aden's P.O.V)

The second we were back in the real world, chaos broke out.

I stood in the middle of the storm, a small smile full of unending patience on my face. No matter how much they lashed out, they had lost. It was over.

"Don't hurt them too badly."

I informed my spirits, leaning back in my chair.

"You bastard!"

Green Arrow released one crossbow bolt after the other. Yaotl's Axe slashed out and made quick work of the projectiles.

Then in a short bust of speed, he buried the flat side of the axe blade on the chest of the archer, sending him flying off while vomiting blood.

'Nicely done Yaotl. That was a long time coming.'

I praised my god of war for carrying out what I had only dreamt of doing. The fear of casually exploding him into a mist of blood had held me back.

'I exist only to carry out your will Master Aden.'

The axe was twirled expertly as Yaotl used it to block the sonic waves from a furious Canary. The table behind Yaotl suffered the most as each of the other League members were forced to jump away. I made eye contact with Wonder Woman.

There was no way they were going to stay out of this.

She closed her eyes and when she opened them, I knew it was on. I immediately detected the telepathic fluctuations among them but decided not to listen in to whatever strategy they would come up with. Yaotl, Michael and Vaatu could more than handle this.

Oh! Almost forgot!

I held up a hand and froze space. Everything found itself in an unbreakable hold.

"Time out! Time out!"

I dipped a hand into my hammer space and came out with an emergency bowl and package of popcorn. The popcorn popped under expert heat control before I ripped it open and poured the popcorn into the bowl. I tasted a couple and frowned a little. Needs butter.

The aforementioned butter appeared in my hands from the fully stocked kitchen, Kori had convinced me to set up after deciding that chicken and pizza were not healthy foods for growing kids. Tch, what did she know? Pizza was basically a package of nutrition, and Chicken? Nothing beats a well seasoned chicken.

I poured the butter on the popcorn, adjusted my back on the seat and sighed in contentment. Was I being unnecessary arrogant? Maybe but the truth was, none of this really mattered and the League would soon find out why.

I snapped a finger and space unfroze. Yaotl's hold on the axe was steady as he grabbed a chair and threw it at Canary. The chair broke into pieces under her power. Instead of pressing the advantage Yaotl spun and threw the Axe towards my position.

The axe collided with a fast moving blur, smacking the Flash onto the wall of the cottage behind us.

"I had him."

Vaatu stated in a bored tone.


Several voices called out in alarm. Yaotl's Axe glowed Torquise before my eyes. I followed it's movements as he called it back to himself. Turns out during his earlier attack, he had jumped into the air.

The axe arrived in his hands as he descended to the ground glowing with an aura of power. He slammed onto the table in the middle of the room, breaking it into thousands of wooden shards and throwing the Justice League away.

Dust covered the surroundings. With a wave of Vaatu's hand, a sphere of wind covered us.


I told him, offering the bowl of popcorn. He reached out and picked up some, munching on them with a thoughtful look on his face.


I held out the bowl.

"Thank you Master Aden. Should we intervene?"

He asked making me laugh as I remembered a particularly fun conversation I had had with Yaotl. Time to pass on some more wisdom.

"Sometimes, nothing beats an epic 1 vs many fight scene. All the greats have done it. Uchiha Madara, White beard, Monkey D Luffy, Aden Strong...the list is truly long. It's one of life's simple joys. Yaotl has understood happy for your brother as he realizes his inner battle maniac."

My spirits, flanking me on the sides had on a look of confusion. Confusion that was dispelled when the dust cleared and they spotted Yaotl's wide smile.

Surrounding him on all sides was the Justice League and the Junior Team. Oh boy were they pissed about me assimilating them, it didn't matter that I'd let them go soon afterwards. Of course it wasn't without some 'adjustments' but would think they would pay attention to the fact that I had created a boom tube under Superion and Superman. The boom tube had sent them to where I knew a certain Kent family were staying.

You're welcome Lois.

Batman's fist was balled up. His other hand reached behind him and came out with glowing green cuffs. Manacles that were distinctly divine. I narrowed my eyes while seating up in my seat.

"You crossed the line Aden! There is no coming back from what you did. Surrender."

The dark knight growled out with conviction.

Seriously? The smile on Yaotl's face slipped as he lowered his Axe in disbelief. Vaatu and Michael looked at each other then at Batman. Heck even the other Leaguers and Junior Team were surprised.

" do understand that I'm like waaaay more powerful now that you're in my realm right? Not to mention I am a god, no seriously, ask Wonder Woman. If I leaked out just the tip of my true aura you would all be squeezed like a pimple before the pressure."

I leaned forward.

"I can unmake you, I mean incase you forgot I did do that, for just a few seconds but I now know each of you better than you even know yourselves. Heck, I also know where you got those divine Cuffs. A deal Constantine made with an ancient primordial evil. Something called Pagan."

"The collection of the vengeful spirits of a defeated Pantheon from the second civilization. You think the souls of over 100 Primordial gods is enough to bind me? I destroyed the god of evil, Darkseid. I killed him in all the infinite universes ask me to surrender?"

Upon the mention of the name Darkseid, the Hawkpeople, the green lanterns and Martian Manhunter reacted nervously.

"You...killed Darkseid?"

Stewart flew down to the ground. The others were now second guessing themselves. Fuck that, I had popcorn I needed to finish and a show to watch.

"Oh no no no you don't get to act all shocked now." I laughed in disbelief.

"No take backs. You wanted to fight me right? Well how about we fulfill that wish."

I looked to Yaotl. "Yaotl full power. Don't break them too much."

"As you wish Master Aden."

My god of war said. You might think I was being needlessly cruel. However, they needed to be taught a lesson or else this cycle of the League vs me would never end. I hated how they had pushed me into being unreasonable. I was okay with talking it out is what it is.

Blue and green flames swirled around Yaotl, growing in intensity as his body underwent massive change.

"Everybody back!"

Wonder Woman jumped to the front and slammed her cuffs together. The whole cottage exploded as she released her own divinity to combat Yaotl.

"Master, the house..."

Vaatu pointed out, nothing of what I had lovingly built remained, wrecked under the strength of the God queen of Olympus. Our position was left relatively undisturbed, a zone of 10 meters around us kept safe under Vaatu's power.

"I can put it back together with a mere wave." I frowned. The destruction though still irritated me.

"Yaotl don't play with them. Put them down before you wreck the beach as well."

I ordered. Yaotl had undergone massive change, for starters he was now in his hybrid form after shifting from his human one. He was over 7 feet tall and the axe was nowhere to be seen, or rather, his weapon had similarly shifted into black gauntlets glowing Torquise with Aztec symbols. Two golden shields hovered above his shoulder, held in place by nothing. His eyes were a deep Torquise color.

"Yes Master."

The battlefield was separated into two sides. Yaotl was to our left facing off against the group of heroes on the right. Wonder Woman was at the front, silver armor glowing with starlight cladding her form and the godkiller sword in her hand. On her sides was Captain Atom, bolts primed and ready to shoot, while the Hawkpeople flanked her right.

That reminds me...I shaved of a tiny sliver of the nth metal off their maces and sent it to the tower to process and see whether my realm could naturally begin reproducing it.

"They are going to lose. Badly."

Michael commented from my right.

"I don't know...I think Diana has a chance. Maybe she can last 1 minute before they lose?"

Vaatu countered.

"My bet's on 58 seconds."

Michael added prompting me to throw him a glance.

"That's...oddly specific."

He shrugged.

"I'm an odd guy."


Vaatu agreed. I decided to...let it go. Something told me Michael was a mystery I did not want to uncover. His oddness made him him.

My eyes flashed white for a second.

"I bet 1 minute and 12 seconds. A full 14 seconds more... someone is going to momentarily power up due to the Aether in the air."

"Mmmh." Michael hummed, staring at the heroes present. I had theorized that the spiritual energy hanging around the atmosphere would change any outsiders.

"I see it now."

"Still, Yaotl is a god but that's not all, he is also a spirit. No matter how powerful she will get, it won't change the fact that he's better at controlling spirit energy more than a human."

Vaatu commented making Michael shake his head slightly.

"Not a human... she's a different species all together. She only looks like a human."

"He's right. Now everyone shush, it's about to begin."

I ordered just as Yaotl made the first lunge.


A shorter chapter because I'm not feeling well today guys. Might need to take a break.