Welcome To Paradise part 2

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(Aden's P.O.V)

Now after the carrot, comes a little bit of the stick.

"However, for society to keep functioning, strict rules and laws that keep us from destroying what we should preserve WILL be adhered to."

My expression changed from a benovelent god to a no nonsense symbol of strictness as I imposed the seriousness of what I meant.

"Structure matters more than an individual's self interest. There are no main characters in the world and if they are then it's all of you. Prejudice, racism, discrimination and cruelty have no place in my realm. Which is why the punishment for these crimes is harsher than before whilst being fair. If you are someone who does bad things for the sake of it, get ready to pay for your actions. I see all."

A unanimous shiver of fear went through them.

"An ideal world is termed as impossible because of the difference in interests, fears and personality of each human. Take away that and you would have a society that thinks the way you think. A dictatorship. That is not my intention."

I could see my words were confusing the lot of them.

"I believe we can achieve balance by transcending past the petty emotions that come about in response to outside stimuli. But that is not something that can universally change at the same time across the hundreds of thousands of miles that this continent spans."

I could probably do something like that with my divinities but it would be no different from programming machines. That wouldn't cut it for what I needed.

I went silent.

"Which is why the Enforcers are needed. The Enforcers are men and women among you chosen to be the new authority on keeping law and order. Using complex data analysis modules on behavioral patterns, the candidates will undergo numerous screening and training to ensure impartiality to everyone."

"Police officers, active soldiers and retired veterans from every late nation on Earth will be allowed to work on a probationary basis for two weeks as the EUC comes up with a more effective way to put into effect the new rules and laws."

My eyes found Luthor.

"Mr. Luthor will expound more on that. Furthermore, any Vigilante, be it the Justice League, justice league minors and independent heros are strictly prohibited from trying to enforce the laws put in place."

Murmurs begun spreading around throughout the room.


I told them in annoyance and the whispering quickly died out.

"The Enforcers will be issued weapons meant to restraint a wrongdoer and if the threat turns out to be superhuman in nature, special drones designed to help the Enforcers maintain order will be deployed on site to handle that situation. A warning, the drones are capable of withstanding over 20000 kilotons of force, escalation of violence will be met in kind."

20000 kilotons was a lot of damage. The fact that all the drones Gaea commissioned from the Sconiad tower had these kinds of specs was daunting and hopefully terrifying enough that no one would test it. Otherwise they were fucked.

"Our society is no doubt a superhuman one. I don't discourage using your metahuman abilities. I only discourage using them to harm others. If you have abilities that are hard to control, you need not worry. Along with creating a training institute for Enforcers and other much needed agencies, a school for metahuman ability control and use will be established as soon as possible to provide a safe and secure environment where you can express yourself without worry."

"This school will take in everybody from aliens, magicians and promising Spirit energy users. I would encourage heroes and other experienced metas to apply for teaching positions. Along with that, normal schools will resume after the EUC drafts the necessary plans."

"I am aware that this will not be easy. There is still the issue of currency to discuss and other important civil structures needed for a functioning society. All that will be handled by Luthor and his team."

"Moving on, close to 2 months ago, vortexes full of chaos energy appeared all across the planet. For the families of the victims, please send the details of the ones you lost to the EUC. It is high time I made things right."

"An information packet with a brief summary of this paradise will be made accessible for browsing at what I call the terminals. Each house has a terminal, a device that can project holograms to play music, videos and documentaries. Fortunately for you, Gaea has in her repository everything ever recorded into a digital format."

"She also has an extensive collection of all the books in the biggest libraries and institutes like Harvard that could be found. More information on that front will be released by your leaders. Anything I have not mentioned, the EUC will handle."

I had been talking for a while now and although I had their rapt, undivided attention, I couldn't help but wish for a break. Seriously, if this is how ruling the world felt like, no fucking thanks. Luckily, I was almost done. The only thing remaining was the most important of all.

"Who is Gaea?"

I asked the question that was all in their minds.

"To explain that," I gestured at everything.

"look around you. The air, the seats under you, the building, the insects buzzing around and to an extent, even the person sitting next to you...that is Gaea."

In the middle of the room, a bright blue light exploded out, drowning my own aura under the scent of the morning dew, deep in the forest, the first rays of the sun, laughter from happy kids, the chirps of birds, the roaring of a mountain lion. A majestic and beautiful divine aura that culminated to feel like the gentle touch from a mother.

"I am Gaea."

She announced to the awed room. I could already feel weebs bemoaning the fact that Rule 34 was no more.


"This changes everything."

Artemis commented, removing her mask with a sigh.

They were watching the Holo feed in the sky that had changed into the symbol of the Avatar after Aden had finished his announcement. The whole team was standing on the roof of a building, west to the statue of Aden being built. That was the only way to describe it as the residential areas were yet to be separately named.

"He has no weakness. You know what this is? This is a situation where hanging the cape is the best way to help people."

Kid Flash said his piece, running his fingers across the lightning bolt insignia on his chest. A far away look was on his face.

"I mean, think about it. We fight and the flood gates will open. Those who support us or those who feel like Aden is overreaching will take up arms against those who just want a simple peaceful life."

Everyone listened without interrupting. Those same thoughts were in their minds.

"And so what Mmh?" Red Arrow kicked off the wall he was leaning on. Dozens of eyes turned to look at him.

"We just decide to accept it? To lie down and let it go? We have lost everything! Every fucking thing! And if it wasn't for Aden..."

"Then none of the 7 billion people out there would be alive."

Robin interrupted with narrowed eyes.

"Don't forget that."

Roy snorted.

"Does that excuse the wrong things he did before then?"

Kid Flash shook his head.

"No it doesn't but you don't get it Roy. No one has the ability to hold him accountable for any of that. He is not just powerful, he is unbeatable. Literally."

"And he's trying! He's... trying to make things right. Right?" Miss Martian looked around for support. It felt like her whole world was shattering and all she could do was try to hold the pieces closest to her heart together.

"We all heard it in his announcement."

Artemis agreed, smiling encouragingly at the martian.

She knew why M'gann was so upset. It had been some time since they'd heard from Connor. M'gann gave Artemis a grateful nod.

"Look, I don't know much about him. But if you ask me, you're focusing on the wrong thing." Leonardo spoke up. The Turtles, April, Casey and surprisingly Darken had arrived on the roof of the building for the mission.

The interaction between them and the Junior Team was...tense. Which was an understatement.

"Yeah and I don't remember anyone asking for your opinion. You're not even from this universe."

Everyone groaned at Red Arrow's words.

"Dude not cool."

Kid Flash grimaced.

"Hey hotshot, you better watch that pretty little mouth of yours before I wreck it."

Raphael growled out gripping a Sai menacingly. In response, Red Arrow smirked.

"I would like to see you try."

"Aaand no. If the two of you feel like measuring dick sizes, do so after we know why Superion called us all here."

Darken came in between the two, darkness swirling around her intimidatingly. Red Arrow narrowed his eyes at the green eyed girl before snickering and turning away.

Darken watched him walk away with an unreadable look in her eyes.


Raph snorted and turned away as well. Only for a crossbolt to cut through the air aimed at him. Raph twirled his Sai and blocked the projectile easily.

"Say that again. I dare you."

Red Arrow bit out in anger, his weapon trained on the mutant turtle.

"Oh this is gonna be fun."

Before a fight could break out, something appeared from the distance flying towards them at high speeds.

"Wait look! What's that? Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's...wait it's actually a plane. A space ship."

Mikey called out in wonder just as the Bio-ship landed before them.

The hatch opened and out stepped, Aden with green hair, Kori, Aqualad and Superion.

"Ok guys, now who's ready to permanently put a stop to an underwater civil war?"