You're Leaving?

Advance chapters on


(Aden's P.O.V)

I officially hate high class parties.

It was nothing but blatant pandering and kissing ass. Let it be documented that I do not kiss ass.

I quickly excused myself from Wilson Fisk of all people. To be fair to the man, I had enjoyed his conversation more than Winston Frost. The man could not stop trying to have his daughter, take a peek inside my mind. Now the lovely miss Emma Frost was not too bad on the eyes but I wasn't into her at all.

I navigated through the throngs of people easily, my natural aura of power pushing aside the crowds. My eyes were set on one figure. She noticed me staring and smiled. Then Storm spun on her heels showing that backside, framed incredibly well with the low cut dress as she walked towards the balcony. Yes, I am definitely following after her.

"Mr. Strong. Quite a party you have here. I'd say it's better than the ones I usually throw."

A confident voice stated, the source being a young man who blocked my path towards Storm.

I hid my irritation, instead electing to give a smile that did not quite reach my eyes.

"Tony Stark, billionaire playboy philanthropist."

I said.

The young Tony blinked, two supermodels on either side of him.

"Can I steal that?"

I chuckled.

"Be my guest."

And then I was off, not giving him a chance to say anything else.

"If it's business Tony, talk to my assistant."

I threw over my shoulder.

That assistant of course turned out to be Black Widow, who had made it to the party wearing a midnight black dress and shadowing me discreetly.


Tony wondered.

I heard Natasha clear her throat beside Tony and laughed a little. I knew what Tony would try and I really wished I could see his face when she rejected him. Very Quickly I was out on the balcony and under the moon, there she was. A true goddess.

I snatched a glass of Champagne from a waiter and drifted closer, loosening my tie.

"It took about 20 minutes to have you looking like that."

Storm told me without even looking back.

I stepped up closer.

"The deal was I would wear it. I did."

She looked back at me with an eyebrow raised.

"So, what's a lovely lady like you doing out here alone?"

I asked, in curiosity but mostly to change the subject.

"Feeding my inner romantic."

She answered, taking a deep breath.

I gulped, the way that chest rose up...

"The moon is bright, the stars in the sky are beautiful. All that's missing is a song to dance to."

I told her, then snapped a finger.

Low Jazz music started playing around us. My Homonculi puppet had been busy. Music was surprisingly enough, a Subskill of sound. Yeah. Turns out Subskills could have Subskills. Though there were conditions to it. For starters I had to know the song. Then using the same principle of someone learning the keys on a piano, I simply learned the notes and how to replicate them using air bending.

"May I have this dance my lady?"

I held out a hand to Storm. She smiled and grabbed it.

I wrapped a hand around her waist, pulling her close to me. Our eyes met in the middle, conversing without a need for words.

"You're leaving."

Storm said after 5 minutes of enjoying each other's warmth.

I sank my head in her white locks of hair, breathing in her scent.


We glided over the floor, unbidden and unobstructed.

"I'm coming with you."

Storm finally responded.

The music died down. My hold on her loosened somewhat.


I questioned.

"You know why."

She replied with a soft smile.

"Ororo I..."

I found my lips sealed by her own. They were soft and full. My body shivered.

Storm broke off the kiss, staring up at me with a soft expression.

"You belong to her, I know. But I don't have to prove my love by trying to steal you away. I only want to be with you."

Her words stole my next words away. I had no answer for that.

I was stumped. Completely and utterly stumped. Then I realized she was waiting for my answer, a worried expression on her face.

In response, I followed my heart, pulling her body closer and kissing her forehead.

"Okay. I'd like that."

(The White Shadow P.O.V)

Over 82 alien D.N.A samples. Gaea would be thrilled.

'And now I'm finally here', I thought descending on the beautiful planet that hid a few dark secrets. One of them being that this entire planet was actually alive. I could feel Ego's presence as I broke though the atmosphere around his body.

My descent was followed by a trail of fire that could be seen from afar and when I landed on the beautiful forest before the mansion that was his 'home', I made sure to have the accompanying impact.

The ground rumbled and broke apart, a massive shockwave rippling out into the surroundings and changing the landscape into a burning hell.

"Who dares?!"

Ego's voice boomed out as the soil underneath us reconstructed itself into a middle aged man that looked nothing like Kurt Russell. Good, Ego was a disgrace to the real deal.

I floated out of the massive crater formed around my body.

He blinked in surprise.

"A human?"

I smirked, stretching my neck.

"I dare."

Anger met my words.

The whole planet shook with his fury.

"Do you have any idea who you stand before?!"

He bellowed.

"A discount Celestial."

I replied floating closer to him.

"Infact, I doubt you're even that. Your cosmic energy is diluted to the point where it's no different than universal energies. You're not really a celestial, are you?"

Ego's eyes began burning. His hair rose up and energy rolled off him in waves.

"Diluted or not, Cosmic energy is still cosmic energy. Now Die!!"

He opened his mouth, the jaw widening into impractical proportions, reaching his belly. Photons gathered from the surroundings as cosmic energy twisted and gathered inside his mouth.

Then the beam exploded out towards me, further destroying the ground by superheating it to magma under the path it took. I patiently stood, waiting for the attack to arrive.

Only for it to disappear the second it touched my form.

Ego couldn't believe it.


The discount Celestial stumbled back in shock upon seeing my body.

I was covered in a shroud of cosmic energy. Cosmic energy that I had absorbed from him. My studies into the metagene had paid off.

"I won't lie...this feels good."

Any sapient life on the planet was swallowed up by portals that deposited them in relatively safe planets across the galaxy. I sent Mantis to a space port on one of the moons in Xandarian space. That's where Quill and his Ravager family were docked. Hopefully they would reunite.

If not, I tagged Mantis with my energy signature. If anything were to try and harm her, an energy shield would deploy, one powered with dozens of lesser Miracles.

"What...what are you?!"

Ego's puppet backed away in fear. I raised a hand and a projection of my face appeared in the sky, drowning out the sun and casting a shroud of darkness on the planet.

"Your worst nightmare."

The projection opened it's mouth, displaying an even blacker inky darkness inside its depths.

"Noo... please..."

Ego's puppets looked like a dear caught in headlights.

The planet shuddered and groaned, a cloak of cosmic energy breaking down as my projection swallowed the entire planet. A few seconds later, I stood in outer space, occupying the space that Ego the living planet had been. His e tire being cut off from the universe, placed inside my personal space next to the WarWorld.

I turned to leave when several things arrived, spaceships getting out of hyperspace. There were over a hundred. Black massive ships filled with aliens like the Chitauri and other colonized sapient creatures. At the head of the group was a massive ship. On the deck, Thanos looked out at me.

I smiled and took a step, appearing right before his throne. The Black Order immediately sprang to attack, telekinetic force blasting me point blank but doing nothing. I waved a hand and stopped them in mid air by taking control of the flesh on their bodies.

Everyone in the chamber sucked in a deep breath. Their energy weapons lit up but none attacked, too afraid of me. Thanos and I made eye contact. His left hand was covered in a gauze. He was missing a palm. Well had been, being the key word. I could feel the cybernetic replacement on the wrist.

"I see that you got yourself a new hand after our last... altercation."

I spoke up.

By last time, I mean 2 years ago when Thanos had thought it wise to attack and destroy a planet in the outer reaches of the Kree sector, due to overpopulation. Unfortunately for him, I had been taking a break there. So of course I bested his entire army and took a hand as warning.

Now you might wonder why I didn't kill him and be done with it. Thanos literally had millions under him. Millions of thugs and criminals. The whole Galaxy would be in a state of panic if there was no one to keep them in line.

"This will not be like last time." Thanos rumbled, getting off his throne, unworried about the suspended Black Order around us. He took measured steps down, grabbing the gauze of his left hand and ripping it off. A bright glow washed out to cover the surroundings.

The light came from 2 different sources. Purple from the Power Stone, which occupied the back of his palm, just below the knuckles and the other light was yellow, from the mind stone. It was placed in the center of the cybernetic palm.

"2 infinity stones." I whistled.

"So that's where you get your arrogance from."

"Mock me." Thanos stated, stopping before me and stretching his left hand to the side. His double bladed sword cut through the air, a cloak of yellow surrounding it as it landed in his open palm.

"However, you shall taste defeat here, White Shadow."

He finished and I tried really hard not to laugh. I really tried.

But I failed.

"Hahahaha, that is so chuuni coming from you big guy. It almost seems as if I'm bullying you."


The sword came hurtling down towards my neck. A barrier of air currents blocked it's path.

"Tsk tsk."

I shook my head.

"Interrupting someone while they're talking? Bad manners Thanos."

I flexed my divinity, letting loose a massive shockwave of combustion and air pressure that threw everything away.

Death arrived quickly and swiftly.

The Black Order was entirely incinerated along with Thanos' Army. The ship groaned, getting ripped apart forcefully into metal shards that tore into the other ships. In just a second, I had destroyed a quarter of his full forces.

In the air, under a purple shield Thanos lowered his hands, looking around in shock.

"You did one mistake Thanos, you came to face me with your entire army. Which means, I can deal with all of you without having to worry about repercussions for the wider universe."

I could see understanding dawn in his eyes.

"You're going to die here, Big guy."