Chapter 18

Lucas s POV

A warmth smile escaped from my lips upon looking at Maxine s face. I did not expect her to kiss me. I knew that didn't mean anything, but it had a different effect on me. And for heaven s sake .. it s just on the cheek so I don t feel like a maget, perhaps I was just being exaggerated?

Out of desire I slowly bent down and quickly kissed Maxine.

"You re welcome .." I said.

Blushing cheeks Maxine averted her gaze and returned it to the sky. Suddenly it didn't feel comfortable that I smiled again, even though his innocence was really comforting.

"My name is Noa, your poor servant, your higness."

So this man is my Grandfather s lacquey. I gritted. I don't need a disciple to watch over me. I could protect myself.

"I was there the night Alfred attacked you. And I saw from my very own eyes how you cared about that woman. " continuing it maybe noticed I wasn t interested.