Chapter 25


When Aster left, I used My power to make them sleep and I followed Aster

"Why do you need a vampire?" He asked, while looking across the river

"Eh what can you do? Eh I'm really a vampire" I saw if he was surprised when I suddenly appeared

"A-what are you doing here?" Tanung nya

"I want, to sip a blood from you" I said because Yun was true

"What're you talking about?" He said

"You're my mate, and I want to taste your blood" I said

"But Yun is not allowed, I'm a vampire wolf" He said.

"I don't care if you're a Werewolf, All I care about is the one I saw Kona The one set for me" I said and hugged him

"Your father is about to give you the throne" He said

"I just only want to marry you" I said

"No! Let's not be, you're a vampire lo ---" I finished him because I covered his lips, and the softness of his lips
