Chapter 26


"Brother? Are you there?" Heard If Logan asked

"I'm here!" I said and he entered "what When are you?" I asked

"Brother, what's your plan?" Tanung nya

"Plan for what?" I asked

"For your mate and you"

"I want to be with her, but she's a Werewolf" disappointed Kung Sabi

"Kuya, just think for your plan ok? I'm going to support you for your plans" he said

"I'm not going to get the throne" he saw. He was shocked by what I said

"What ?! Why ?!" He ask.

"Because, I want to be with her" I said

"Brother! That's Throne is for you, who will replace you if you take that?" She ask.


"What ?! Me ?! Kuya no, I'm still young for that throne" He said he still had a shake

"Brother, just tell that to Father so he knows"

"What Should If Know ?!" We were surprised by the sudden arrival of Ni father in front of us

"Ama ?!" Logan and I were together