Chapter 13 A Day of Her Choice

I went inside my room and closed the door behind me. For some time, I wanted to stay alone. I wanted to stay in my room, stay on my bed, talking to no one, doing nothing. when I heard a knock on my door. I can guess it was Dani with confidence. I got up from my bed and pulled open the door.

"What are you doing in your room at this hour? I have been searching you everywhere" She asked with curiosity.

"Sorry you had to look for me, I delivered his tea, so I thought I might have some time before he orders his breakfast" I said

"Whatever, you should stay at your workplace this hour" she told me hurriedly. Yes, she did have more work load than me.

"Yes, I'm going" I replied with a low voice

"What's wrong?" she again asked with curiosity

"Nothing, what do you see"

"Everything alright?"

"Everything is alright, I'm going. Did he already order his breakfast?"

"Yes, he did. The chef is looking for you"