Chapter 14 Movie Morning

We Almost reached the door of my room when Anna again came in front of me and blocked my way. She looked more excited than before.

" I haven't talked about you yet " I told her before she can say anything.

" No problem here is right in front of me I can talk" she said to me and went to Michael who was standing behind.

" Hello sir I am Anna, I'm Clare's friend" she introduced to him by my name.

"Hello" he replied

" Can I take a selfie with you? it's not very often when we get to meet big people like you"

" Okay, have one. don't take much time I am in rush"

"Actually, right now I don't have my phone. Since we don't have tower on the ship, we don't carry our phones at work so can you wait here until I return from my room?"

" Next time then, I will be around on the ship. We will meet again" he tried to ignore her and walk away.