Chapter 22 His ex

Clare: "shall we have our breakfast now?" I asked

"Sure, you might be hungry" he replied sitting on the chair

"I am" I went and sat next to him

"So from where shall we start?" He said serving the food.

"Anywhere" I replied taking my plate.

"Let's start with the protein shake" and he handed me a glass of the drink.

I gulped some and it was a way better protein shake than what I used to drink.

"Which flavor is this?" I asked

"Guess, you brought and tasted it," he said taking the first sip on his glass.

"Chocolate?" I guessed

"Coffee" he corrected

"I couldn't catch the difference. You don't even drink coffee often and still guessed it"

"I drink, but occasionally"

One by one we finished our breakfast and I arranged everything in a corner. I saw him opening his laptop and I interrupted.


"Yes," he looked at me instead of opening his laptop.