Clare: I was about to leave when he called me,
- When are you coming back?
- when do you want me to?
- I don't want you to leave.
- you can't make me stay here and keep checking your laptop which makes you upset.
- are you concerned about me?
- I am concerned about the way you behave with me. I can't let you abuse me every time for the things I am not responsible for. I am no one to advise you on your personal life but I will definitely not like to bring them into my life.
- fair enough. If you were the one to advise, what will you suggest me to?
- I will simply suggest you not to check your laptop while you want me around.
- done. I will stay away from the device that affects me while I am with you.
- think before at least 10 times. You can have work, you may have an emergency which can force you to open the laptop and something can pop up which can make you upset.