
"HE'S GONNA WHAT?" I screeched as my hands tangled themselves in my hair in frustration and astonishment at what he is doing

"He's going to school here" he replied taking a small step back because of my reaction to the news

"Why?" I said slightly defeated

"Well, I'm guessing cause he knows you live here so, he's probably doing it so he can see you," he said shrugging his shoulders not giving it a second thought to the other Alphas reasoning behind the sudden interest in joining the school

"That bastard already has a mate, and he still wants to see me? "I growled out in anger and frustration as I kicked an innocent tree and successfully chipped it where my foot came in contact with the trunk of the tree.

"That fucking dirt-bag," Nick said growling as it realization hit him on how it was affecting me

"It's going to be hard to keep my wolf calm with him being so close to us on a daily basis. She wants him, I mean that's her mate, just not as much as usual because of the mark. She is already preparing herself to move on so if I can stay away from him, then I won't need him and neither will my wolf" I explained to Nick who was thinking of the best way to handle this.

"Well, maybe I can help with that?" He said looking at me with a smirk on his face as if he knew something I didn't.

"How are you going to help with that?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest tilting my head slightly out of curiosity.

"Well, we can pretend to date and make him jealous.... I mean Alphas get jealous really easily. I mean I should know. " He said as he wiped the invisible dust off his shoulders.

"Nick that's actually a great idea," I said after a couple minutes of silence, at the plan already forming in my head.

"Of course, it is I did come up with it after all," he said winking at me with all his Alpha male aura

"Cocky much?" I said rolling my eyes

"Just a short stuff .... will you be my girlfriend?" He asked holding his hand out.

"Yes, I will be your girlfriend...but only as long as necessary" I replied taking his hand and ignoring his little comment.

"Deal....babe....Why don't we skip school and show him what he's missing?" He suggested smirking.



She ran away from me!

How the hell is she faster than me?

She fucking ran away from us! My wolf corrected me.

She fucking ran away from us because that fucking bitch marked me. I growled

Ugh, she didn't even let me explain. I said running my hands through my hair in frustration.

She's angry, of course, she wasn't going to listen.

Well, if I explained it to her she could be in my arms right now

Don't blame this on her, imagine if you found her and she had the mark of another male. My wolf said growling at the end

I would rip that male to shreds!

Exactly and she has alpha blood in her what do you think she wants to do?

I don't think it's the right time but, imagining her angry is kind of a turn on and I haven't even seen her in her human form.

You will soon and you will see how bad we need her.

He said before he cut the connection.

What the hell is that supposed to mean?

I hear the front door of the pack house open I sniff trying to see who it is.

Its Alpha Nick's scent.

Why the hell is he here? He's supposed to be getting me into that school were my mate is so that way I can find her and tell her what really happened.

I walked out of my room and her smell hits me. Strawberry cheesecake and it was heaven in my nose.

I quickened my pace but when I get downstairs, I don't see her at, all I see is Alpha Nick standing there with a smirk on his face.

"Is there a problem Alpha Jose?" he said then my mate walked out from behind him.

Finally seeing her she is absolutely breathtaking.

She has long black hair that ends just below her shoulders, mesmerizing brown eyes that weren't light like hazel but dark like the forest floor like the brown tree trunks of the forest. The ground on which everything that lives depend on and onyx brown eyes that I could get lost in and tell all my secrets too. They are beautiful and I could stare at them all day.

She has pink lips that look amazing and soft that I could kiss senseless right now. She was smaller than me, by a lot she was probably 5'3- 5'4 and man did she have curves. She was beautiful she was toned and had muscle on her as if she worked out on a daily basis yet she had a slight tummy and had a full figure that looked amazing on her. She had so much confidence it was so hard to fight the urge to take her right here and now.

As I continued looking at my mate, I saw her hand intertwined with his hand. My wolf instantly changed moods and went from drooling over our mate to growling in my head. I growled at another male touching what belongs to us without fear in front of us.

"MINE" I growl out and used my werewolf speed to grab her but just like in the forest she was too fast for me. Leaving me confused once again as to how she was faster than me. I turned and she was behind Alpha Nick with her arm wrapped around his.

"Alpha, I would like it if you would leave my girlfriend alone," Nick said smirking at me

Girlfriend? My wolf whimpered in my head

"SHE'S MINE" I growl and reach out to grab her this time actually catching her in my grasp.

I pull her into my chest and inhale her sweet scent, but it does not last as long as I would have liked because she slides right out of my arms and is once again behind Alpha Nick.

"Alpha, don't forget you are a visitor on my land," Nick said in a serious tone

"She is my mate," I said Well more like growled

"Is she the one who marked you?" he asked already knowing the answer to his own question.

I didn't answer him because no words could form when I saw the hurt on my mate's face. I was speechless as I felt a pang in my chest at how hurt she looked.

"Exactly, now if you don't mind, my girlfriend and I would like to be alone Alpha," he said and then looked at my mate making her turn away from me and look at him.

She then looked back at me, and I heard her sweet beautiful voice for the second time.

"Nice meeting you Alpha Jose" as she said my name it made me shiver but growl instantly because she called me Alpha.

"You are my mate, you shouldn't call me Alpha we are equal," I said looking directly into those beautiful brown eyes of hers.

"I'm sorry Alpha you must have me mistaken for someone else because I don't have a mate," she said then bowed to me making me growl as she walked away with him holding my mates hand.

MINE!! My wolf growled out as he pushed me to go after them.

How the hell is she faster than us? I asked my wolf trying to take his mind off of him touching her

She is special he responded still angry.

I know she is special, but she should not be able to move faster than us.

I don't know, without a mate bond her wolf can't talk to me and it's not like she wants too anyway.

I don't like secrets. I growled

I don't either but we are also keeping one and she needs to know what happened my Wolf said

But what if she thinks we're weak for letting that happen and it makes her not want us?

she already doesn't want us you, idiot. Better she knows and hate us than stay not knowing and still hate us. At least that way you know you tried to get her to understand our situation.

I will tell her but first I have to get that pup away from my mate

Soon, very soon but first we have to make sure she knows so she doesn't get even angrier at us for beating the shit out of him for touching what is ours. My wolf growled

I promise I will tell her I don't care if she thinks I am weak or hates me

I want our mate My wolf whimpered

I do too ... she would make an amazing Luna and mother one day."

'That's if we can get her to want us.'

'We will even if it's the last thing we do'

My wolf growled in agreement