-Bigger Threat

Amber's POV

"I'm sorry Alpha you must have mistaken me for someone else because I don't have a mate," I said then bowed making him growl as I walked off holding Nicks' hand.

We walked until we reached the pack's kitchen before detaching hands and smiling at each other.

"So, was that good?" Nick asked me with his ego shining brightly.

"I think so, he seemed really jealous when I was holding your hand," I said smiling to myself, my wolf went crazy when he called us his mate and said we were equal, but the other side helped me keep her at bay

"But what do we do now?" I asked a little confused as to what was our next move from here.

"Now we go on a run," he said as he pulled me towards the screen door that leads to the forest.

He went behind a tree and undressed before coming back out as a more powerful version of himself, a wolf.

His hazel colored wolf came towards me and sat down right in front of me. I ran my fingers through his fur making him shiver and growl in approval. He nods his head behind him signaling for me to go change and shift. Nodding my head, I go behind a tree and quickly undress before shifting to my wolf. Once Nick is sure I am in wolf form he walks up to me, and we start walking into the forest side by side. He then decides it's a good idea to bump my shoulder making me growl at him. He does some kind of wolfish grin and bumps me again.

So, he wants to play does he, well let's play.

This time I bump his shoulder making him growl playfully, but before he gets a chance to do it back, I start to jog away signaling that I want to race. I look over my shoulder and see he started to jog too and was catching up to me. I quickly speed up as he mimicked me.

We continued this until the trees were nothing but a blur whizzing past us. Our wolves bodies allowed us to skillfully jump over logs and dodge trees. I slowed down my pace to see where Nick was but that was a huge mistake because the second, he got a chance he pounced on me pinning me to the floor. My back was pressed to the ground while his paws were on my chest.

I quickly use my hind legs and push him off of me just enough to get back on my feet to defend myself. When we were both on our paws, we start circling each other playfully nipping at each other waiting for the other to make a move.

I watched his movements carefully and noticed that his hind leg twitched meaning he's going to jump. A couple of seconds later, just as I had predicted he jumped at me. I moved out of the way with even faster speed than an Alpha. When he landed, I charged at him, as he was trying to regain his balance, making him fall from my surprise attack. I pinned him and made sure he couldn't escape.

After a while of trying to get out of my grasp, he whines and I took that as a sign that I won, but man was I wrong. As soon as I was off of him, he tackled me to the ground pinning me. I growled at him playfully then this mofo has the audacity to lick my snout.

He then released me and runs back to the pack house with me hot on his tail. As soon as we get into the clearing surrounding the pack house, I tackle him and pin him down. He growls playfully and nudges me off. As I get off of him, he pounces on me again.

What's up with him? Is his Alpha ego hurt because he got taken down by a girl?

I playfully growl at him, and he does the same thing back. As I prepare myself to push him a black wolf beats me too it, I instantly know who it is by the smell.


My wolf said happily

Stop that if we don't stop them, they will kill each other. I yelled at my wolf as I watched Jose miss Nick's neck by a hair

Stop them she growled as Nick tackled Jose

How? How do I stop two Alphas? You know it's impossible to stop an Alpha during a fight! I yelled back.

Be a bigger threat to them, it's the only way to get their attention from each other and focused on us. My wolf said frantically.

How the hell do we become a bigger threat? I said as both wolves clawed each other.

Do I have to think of everything? Growl and put the power from both sides into it. You are stronger than them. She spoke

I did as she said I combined both my halves and I could feel as they became one, the power almost becoming too much.

I growled, the ground shaking from the power making both Alphas heads snap to me in alert the previous altercation forgotten.

I instantly stopped and they just sat there staring at me with different expressions on their faces.

My mate with awe and Nick with confusion.

I quickly went behind the tree that I left my clothes in earlier and shifted back.

After putting my clothes back on I went back in the clearing where both boys stood shirtless giving each other glares my wolf wanted to stare at her mate but the other half, knowing my wishes, kept her at bay.

Once they realized I was there they snapped their attention back to me before instantly asking me questions.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you? "

"How did you do that? Are you some kind of super Alpha?"

"It's a long story... and no I'm not some kind of super Alpha" I replied smiling softly to Nick then I turned to face my so called mate

"I'm fine he didn't hurt me we were just playing around" I responded alienating all emotions from my voice.

They both opened their mouths to say something again, but I cut them off not even letting them get a chance to finish their thoughts.

"Look I got to get home see you tomorrow, Nicky," I said smiling slightly at him and turning to leave

My mate didn't seem to like my nickname for Nick because he growled as I walked past them and into the forest.

I quickly shifted and took off running towards my house masking my scent so neither one of them could follow me.

Once I got home, I jumped into the shower and I was going through everything that has happened in the last two days. Starting with me finding my mate, him already having one, Nick and his pack knowing I am a werewolf (or as far as they know), and my mate sending mixed signals him loving someone who isn't me but trying to get me to admit I am his mate or whatever the hell he is trying to do.

I started to cry my tears mixing with the hot water from the shower as all the emotions that I hid deep down when I found out he had another mate came back out and it hurts so bad. I feel this pain in my chest almost as if I am being torn apart from the inside. My wolf whimpered as she also felt my pain at the situation we have been given by the goddess.

I.... I thought my mate was going to be the one person I could tell everything to, my past, my story and he wouldn't care.

My father said mates are supposed to complete you and make you whole.

They accept you no matter what... because they were made just for you.

But he doesn't want me if he did, he would never have let another she-wolf mark him.

Wait what the hell am I doing?

Since when do I ever need anybody?

I have been on my own since I can remember, surviving and doing what I have to do. I don't need some fucking dirtbag who doesn't even want me to begin with to survive. I shouldn't care if he loves me or not, I survived this long without a mate I can live the rest of my life without one too.

I said as I wiped my tears, I made an oath that he is not someone important in my life now or ever.

Unless the Moon Goddess herself comes to me in some miraculous way and says something different I will not accept him no matter how much my wolf wants to

That's a promise.