Chapter 8

Waking up today I wish I didn't have to go to school but today would be the worst day possible to miss.


Let me elaborate

You see if there is a rogue on a packs land that rogue has to either ask the Alpha to join the pack or ask for permission to live on the land. If the rogue is allowed on the land by the Alpha, the pack members can test the rogue.

By "test the rogue" I mean they can attack the rogue, as long as the Alpha is present to witness the ass whooping, and if the rogue passes the test the rogue gains a little and I mean little respect from the pack. If you can't beat an omega, then you're considered weak in the eyes of the pack. You fight your way up the ladder until you get to the Alpha. You do not fight the Alpha the furthest your allowed to fight is the beta. If the rogue fails, the test let's just say they don't live to see tomorrow or they get treated like slaves within a pack and have to work their way up.

Cruel yes I know and if I don't show up today its basically like walking into the pack house and saying, hi I'm the new slave what needs to be done?

Bitch please I would rather die fighting than end up a slave for lazy ass people.

Which brings me to the current moment in time. With me walking up to my bike, which I left at school, and people sniffing the air then glaring at me.

Nick isn't here so they can't attack me yet.

"You're a rogue?" This girl with caked up make-up a cloth for a shirt and what looked like a miniskirt said as she walked up to me with her arms crossed over her cleavage.

"Yeah got a problem? " I said showing her how little she intimidates me

"Just wait till our Alpha gets here your going to get your ass handed to you." She sneered as she walked off to her little group of girls that dressed exactly like her

"Id like to see you try," I said under my breath

It was at least a couple more minutes of glaring before Nick showed up. He looked like he didn't even want to be here.

As soon as he stepped out of the car everyone swarmed him and asked him about the rogue on their land.

He explained the situation and they all turned back to me.

I looked at Nick and he gave me an apologetic look.

I took off my black leather jacket and placed it on my bike before turning back around.

"So who's first?" I questioned looking around the crowd

"I am, and I will show everyone that the strong bad girl is nothing but a weak ass bitch." Said the same girl from earlier

She took off the little clothing she had and shifted

Let me be the first to say it hurts like hell. It is a slow process that's full of bones popping and realigning themselves while the fur pushes its self through your pores. It's less painful if you don't think about it and distract yourself somehow.

You would have to be angry as hell to shift in a couple of seconds.

After a couple of minutes, the bitch stood up and was a medium sized brown wolf.

I guess she was waiting for me to shift cause all she did was stare at me.

"I'm not shifting, I'll fight in my human form. " I said un-phased

Apparently, I said something funny because everyone started laughing even the bitch in front of me did some weird laughing noise.

"Is there something funny?" I asked not getting what was funny about what I said

There was a chorus of "your going to get your ass kicked" and "your stupid just shift"

I ignored the comments and turned back to my opponent clearing my head and focusing on the fight at hand.

"You ready to get your ass kicked? " I said smirking

She instantly growled and the fight began

We circled each other once before she lunged for me. Me already seeing it coming, quickly moved out of the way.

As she landed on all fours I quickly rammed into her pushing my knees into her ribs before she regained her balance and put my small foot on her giant furry neck after I knocked her down. She growled knowing I just beat her within a couple of seconds.

"Enough" Nick yelled making me get off my opponent and her to shift back

"Amber has made it pass both omega and challenger stages. Does anyone else want to challenge her?"

" I do," said a random guy, he wasn't the beta that I could tell because there was no power coming off of him

"You think you can beat me?" I said trying to provoke him

" I know I can" he growled out

That's right take the bait, let your anger fuel you

"Really cause I'm pretty sure you won't last longer than five seconds," I said

'We can take him faster than that'

My wolf chimed in

Cocky are we

You know what we're capable of

Yeah yeah now let me concentrate

He growled and instantly changed letting his anger fuel him he instantly lunged at me with full force.

I quickly moved out of the way and when he landed, I lunged at him landing on his back with my arms around his neck.

I leaned down and whispered in his wolf-ear

"Told you" Before getting off

This happened a couple more times before the big moment came

"Any other challenges?" Nick said with a smirk

Nobody raised their hands or came forward

"There are no more challenges which means it's the betas turn to fight." Nick said "unless you don't want to," he said while turning to me with the hope I would say no.

"I want to Alpha," I said bowing my head slightly in respect for Nick

"Okay then Aiden do you accept? " He turned the guy next to him, the beta.

The guy looked at me as if to asking are you sure? I nodded in response then he nodded to Nick

"Okay take your places. " Nick motioned for the pack to make more room

Aiden walked a couple of feet in front of me before turning around and asking,

"Human or wolf?"

"Either one is fine," I said wanting him to decide

"Well considering your pretty good in human form let's see what your wolf is made of," he said smiling friendly

I ran into the forest that surrounds the school quickly took my clothes off and shifted

the pain from my shift giving me the motivation to win this fight even though I'm pretty sure I'm bigger than him because of my Alpha blood but he might be a great fighter

we have an advantage don't forget that

my wolf said

No, I want to do this fair and square. I can't always rely on the other side beside we can do this.


I walked back out into the parking lot where Aiden, the beta, was already in wolf form and waiting for me. He was looking at Nick with glazed eyes meaning they were having a conversation through pack link.

What do you think they are talking about?

I don't know but he better not be telling Aiden to take it easy.

oh, hell no he better not be

Ending the conversation with my wolf I walk right up to Nick and nudge him a little making him snap his attention from his beta to me and his pack members growl at me for touching their Alpha. My wolf growled back instinctively, I mean we are an Alpha after all. Them being surprised at the fact that my wolf is bigger than their beta wolf made them take a step back and look at me questioningly.

"It's okay she is not a threat," he said, and the growling immediately stopped but that is not what made my wolf stop. The smell of pine trees and chocolate made my wolf's attention snap from the growling pack members to a figure that was standing a couple feet away from me.

He looked at me confused at first then recognition flashed across his face along with confusion, pride and aw before it was replaced with anger.

I blocked my wolf, so I was in full control. No need for my wolf to go and tackle him with affection right now.

He walked right up to me with all the confidence in the world. I instantly growled at him making a hurt look pass his eyes before he composed his face.

"You are not fighting the Beta," he said through gritted teeth

I looked at him up and down telling him who the hell he thinks he is trying to tell me what to do before turning to my opponent and nodding my head at the slightly smaller wolf in front of me.

Let the games begin shall we