Chapter 10

She ran!

What the hell did I do?

'You dumbass. Her wolf almost marked us and you did nothing to stop her.'

If I recall correctly, no hiciste nada para pararla tampoco. And you were enjoying yourself.

Well, I've been deprived of my mate's affection. She was showing us love and I liked it. All the teasing made me excited and I know you felt the same way. So what do you think I was gonna do stop her?'

Okay well, don't say I was the only one in this you enjoyed it as much as I did.

'I know, I just like blaming you. Que vamos hacer?'

Tenemos a decirle. Es tiempo que ella sabe que paso.

'Okay then go get her. We've been in the forest long enough.'

With that, I headed toward the school where she most likely is.

I got to the parking lot and it was deserted because the school had started as if the fighting never happened.

I got my schedule and headed to my first class which, "coincidently", is the same as my mates.

I walked in expecting my mate to be in the class but to my surprise, she wasn't there I couldn't smell her. Come to think of it I couldn't sense her anywhere near me either.

She isn't here

Then where is she? Where did she go?

I walked to an empty seat by the windows as the teacher walked in behind me.

There were a couple of minutes of silence before the teacher went through the roll and I listened to make sure she has this class before I start going crazy.





"Beta Aiden?"


Why isn't Nicks Beta here?

He didn't get hurt that bad to not be present in class.



So she did have this class

So where the hell is she?

Why are they both not here?

What the hell is he doing to my mate?

"Alpha Jose?"

"Here," I said as I got up and headed back out the door and into the forest.

I headed to the pack house in search of Alpha Nick he has to know where my mate is.

I found him in his office going through paperwork for the pack.

"Alpha Jose is there a..." he started but I quickly cut him off


"English Alpha Jose" He responded while rolling his eyes in annoyance

"Where the hell is she?" I growled at him

"Where is who?" He asked while placing down the papers he was looking at

"Where the hell is my mate?" I growled even louder

"Listen here, Alpha Jose. You might be the strongest Alpha but you are a visitor on my territory. I will not hesitate to throw you out of my territory, treaty or not." He growled back

He's right. As much as we want our mate he's not gonna help us if we piss him off.

Fine, we'll try it your way.

"Do you have any idea where my mate is Alpha Nick?" I asked more politely

"Now that's better. ..." he said smirking at me

I fought to hold in a growl from his insolence. This is for Amber. This is for Amber. I kept repeating that in my head to calm my wolf down.

"Of course I know where she is," he said casually and returned to his paperwork

"Well can I know? " I asked through gritted teeth as my patience was fading

"What gives you any right to know where she's at? I mean you have been marked by another female for fuck's sake. You don't deserve her, she would have been the most amazing mate an Alpha could ask for. She is funny, smart, strong as fuck, and beautiful and you lost that because you couldn't wait. Now I know I'm not a saint or a virgin but I will never replace my mate no matter what, you wanna know why? Huh? Because she was made just for me the other half that is gonna complete me for the rest of my life. I would except her with all her flaws unlike you I won't get impatient. " Alpha Nick raged as he stood from his desk the paperwork long forgotten

I was growling furiously and my eyes were changing to yellow because my wolf was angry.

"You wanna know something I didn't do this to her on purpose. I didn't let that bitch do this to me, I was fucking drugged. That bitch wanted the Luna title to the most powerful pack so she, with the help of my father, fucking put wolfs-bane in my drink. We were celebrating my beta finding his mate and my dad turned it into finding my mate party and invited everyone from different packs to see if I could find mine." I spat turning around as the memories from that night flooded my brain

"She fucking drugged me basically raped me and marked me. You wanna know what? She also tried to get me to mark her but even with the wolfs-bane in my system, she couldn't get me to mark her. You wanna know how bad I wanted to kill that bitch for what she did? But I couldn't, I can't because if I do I fucking die with her leaving my mate without a mate. I guess it doesn't matter now, does it? She is the only one who can take this mark off but it's not like she wants to." I explained as I turned back around and looked up to a guilty looking Alpha

"I'm sorry I didn't. ...." he tried to apologize looking at the floor in shame

"I don't want anyone thinking I'm weak, I am the strongest Alpha and a female raped me. You don't understand how people look down to males who are raped. As if a male being raped isn't possible because in the end its all we really want right." I angrily spoke shrugging my shoulders like it was no big deal. "It happened and I dealt with it with no help from anyone because they saw me as a man and I shouldn't have let that happen is what I've been told. " I said looking away in embarrassment from him knowing what happened.

"I don't like people knowing I was, well what happened. I'm an Alpha and that shows weakness, not strength, how do people expect me to just tell everyone what happened? My mate is the one person I couldn't handle telling. I mean what mate would want an Alpha who was weak enough to get taken advantage of and drugged?" I questioned Nick looking into his guilty sympathetic eyes before looking down at the ground in shame.

"Being strong is being able to admit your weaknesses and overcoming them Alpha Jose. That's what mates are for, they are there to listen to your fears and help you overcome them. They are the one person you can trust not to judge you by what happened in your past. They love you unconditionally and no matter what they accept you. They will help you through anything and everything you have been through and will go through." Nick explained to me making me look at him. "They are there for you even when you try to push them away, they are the only ones that will have your back until death. They wouldn't dream of betraying you or your secrets in any kind of way."

"How the hell do you know so much when you don't even have a mate yet?" I questioned very bewildered still looking at the ground.

"I learned from my parents before they. ...." he explained turning away.

"I'm sorry about your parents" I apologized looking up

"Yeah" was all he said

It got dead quiet and awkward very quickly.

"She left"